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Chemistry for Sustainable Development

2021 year, number 6

Photooxidative Post-Treatment of Pharmaceutical Wastewater

1D. Mendeleev University of Chemical Technology of Russia, Moscow, Russia
2LLC NefteGazStroy Center, Moscow, Russia
Keywords: photooxidation, purification, pharmaceutical wastewater
Pages: 643-647


The results of laboratory studies on the additional treatment of model wastewater from pharmaceutical production with the help of the combined effect of UV radiation and hydrogen peroxide are presented. Literature data on the existing purification technological schemes were analyzed, with the determination of their main advantages and disadvantages. Experimental results were obtained on the treatment of model solutions of acetylsalicylic acid, tetracycline and sulfadimezin after passing through three stages of purification: photooxidation, coagulation, and sorption. The values of chemical oxygen demand (COD) and concentration of active pharmaceutical ingredients (API) were determined. The combined action of photooxidation and hydrogen peroxide makes it possible to achieve purification efficiency up to 80 % for COD and up to 99 % for API. A technological scheme for the treatment of pharmaceutical wastewater is proposed.

DOI: 10.15372/CSD2021344