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"Philosophy of Education"

2021 year, number 1


E. V. Shtager1,2
1Far Eastern Federal University, Vladivostok, Russia
2Polytechnic Institute, Vladivostok, Russia
Keywords: engineering education, convergent approach, metasubject training results, disciplinary convergence of engineering university, interdisciplinarity, discipline-concentrate, metasubject construct, levels of synthesis of scientific knowledge

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Introduction. The organization of training at an engineering university requires the use of modern ideas about convergence as a fundamental category for the creation of integral educational spaces that implement an interdisciplinary synthesis of humanitarian, natural science and technological knowledge. This approach will best ensure that the metasubject learning outcomes are achieved. Methodology and methods of the research. The methodology of the system approach was used as a general scientific base, which allows to form a universal matrix of cross-disciplinary integration of engineering training. To organize the information integrity of polytechnic knowledge, the methodological functions of the concept of the modern picture of the world are “included”. The results of the research. The idea of convergence in education as a methodological basis of a holistic scientific worldview, emerging through the implementation of cross-disciplinary synthesis of scientific knowledge, is revealed. It has been shown that the metasubject results of training are considered as a worldwide visual interpretation of the goal of the modern educational system. The importance of a convergent approach for the pedagogical system of an engineering university that genetically integrates humanitarian, natural science and technological knowledge is justified. The author’s results of the study of the specifics of the general theory of systems in the development of the algorithm for the integrated design of the integral educational space of polytechnic training are presented. A general formative basis for cross-disciplinary interaction has been identified - methodological competence. It was shown that the metasubject results of training directly correlate with the idea of the formation of the foundations of the scientific worldview as methodological principles for studying any processes and phenomena. The procedure of modification of content of educational subjects and organization of process of assimilation is presented, focused on formation of methodological bases of engineering knowledge as the fundamental component of meta-skills. As a system-forming design, a category of technical system has been identified, the organization of the presentation of which in the cycles of polytechnic training allows all forms of synthesis of scientific and substantive knowledge of engineering to be realized. It has been shown that the technology of achieving metasubject training results does not involve restructuring the traditional structure of the educational process, since the goal of the pedagogical system is mainly focused on the organization of specialized methods for presenting educational information through algorithms of logical analysis and synthesis of fundamental engineering knowledge. Conclusion. Using a convergent approach to organize the integral educational space of an engineering university allows you to most effectively solve the problem of forming ideas about the integrity of the picture of the world and the principles of working with it. According to the author, the proposed approach to the transfer of scientific and substantive information ensures the implementation of the individual educational trajectory of the trainee, focused on the development of self-education skills as a global social order.


B. V. Saprygin
Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University, Novosibirsk, Russia
Keywords: cognitive linguistics, psycholinguistics, linguodidactics, semantics, analytical philosophy, anti-mentalism, conceptual models, conceptual metaphor, experientalist realism, concept, prototype, cognitive structure, mental representations

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Introduction. The paper discusses the issue of applying the results of cognitive linguistics to linguodidactics. The cognitive approach to teaching a foreign language assumes that the student comprehends the mental structures that control the linguistic thinking of the native speaker of this language, and it enables him to master it. However, the question arises as to both the validity of cognitive linguistics itself and the possibility of using it for linguodidactic purposes. The aim of the article is to discuss these issues. Methodology and methods of the research. The methodological basis of the study is the ideas of some analytical philosophers concerning the essence of cognition and the formation of scientific knowledge. They are primarily the analytical authors who developed their ideas in the spirit of epistemological relativism, conventionalism and anti-mentalism. The results of the research. The paper shows how the criticism of mentalism can affect the assessment of cognitive linguistics and the potentialities of its use in linguodidactics. First, the critical observations on cognitive linguistics by representatives of various branches of linguistics are discussed. Then a criticism from the standpoint of the anti-mentalist philosophical methodology is expressed. It is also from the perspective of the anti-mentalist methodology that the way cognitive linguistics is applied to the field of linguodidactics is criticized. It is said that the reference to mental representations, while developing and using cognitive models in the course of educational process, cannot be considered scientifically relevant and the use of such models does not make acquiring a foreign language much easier. Conclusion. It is concluded that the cognitive approach to teaching a foreign language does not quite correspond to its name, since it is not sufficiently cognitive and does not reflect the real cognitive processes in the human mind. However, this method can be used as a heuristic technique that could contribute to the acquisition of a foreign language.


K. K. Begalinova1, M. S. Ashilova2, A. S. Begalinov3
1Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Almaty, Kazakhstan
2Abylai Khan Kazakh University of International Relations and World Languages, Almaty, Kazakhstan
3International University of Information Technologies, Almaty, Kazakhstan
Keywords: philosophy of education, survey, sociological research, pandemic, higher education, distance education, transformation of education, postform education

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Introduction. This article analyzes the impact of the coronavirus pandemic, which spread widely around the world in early 2020, on education. It is shown to have led to the near complete paralysis of schools, colleges and universities. What is the state of health of students and how they assess the quality of higher education provided by their universities is the focus of this article. Methodology and methods of the research. The methodological basis was a theoretical analysis and systematization of the provisions of philosophical, sociological and pedagogical literature in the aspect of the object of this research; comparative historical analysis of the problem under study; study of official materials, policy documents in the field of general and higher education systems related to the modern coronavirus pandemic; foresight study of the future prospects of education in the “post-like era” and the importance of the philosophy of education in this process. The results of the research. Tracing the scientific research literature of recent times, the realization comes that the education that was before the pandemic will never be. And there is still no understanding of this education in the scientific literature. There are various approaches to post-image education based on digital technologies, based on the principles of subjectivity and objectivity of the nature of the value of informational distance, online forms of education. From the point of view of subjectivity, the value of an object is determined by the subject, and in this case, value can be interpreted as a feeling. Representatives of objectivism either derive the definition of the value of digital education from being, or believe that values have an independent significance, which is discussed in the article. There were interviewed 200 students from various universities in Almaty. The study also analyzed modern scientific literature on the image of “post-like” education, identified the main trends in distance education. Conclusion. A new type of education is currently emerging. The article attempts to analyze the degree of student satisfaction, identify the main problem points in distance education through their eyes, as well as the main trends in the field of education in the post-like era.


I. V. Yakovleva1, T. S. Kosenko1, G. N. Glios2
1Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University, Novosibirsk, Russia
2Altai State Medical University, Barnaul, Russia
Keywords: distance learning, innovative approaches, traditional approaches, form and content, correlation, relationship

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Introduction. The increasing necessity and importance of remote forms of communication in the educational process is a temporary measure due to the emergency situation, which inevitably creates the need to introduce new methods, functions and forms of organization of the educational process. In order to find an appropriate approach to new forms of educational practices, there is a need to study the basics of human activity. The analysis of distance education considered in the article from the point of view of humanistic and humanitarian intra-system concepts can reveal new organizational and educational mechanisms and constructs. Methodology and methods of the research. Humanistic and humanitarian approaches to the consideration of distance educational technologies are carried out on the basis of socio-philosophical methodology. As a result of the humanitarian analysis, the socio-philosophical categories that accompany information trends in the educational process “form” and “content”, “relationship” and “relationship” are considered. The humanistic methodology reflects on the significance of mediated communication for the individual. The results of the research.. Based on the modeling of humanistic and humanitarian problems (inevitably accompanying new trends in education), the philosophical categories “form” and “content”, “relationship” and “relationship”are revealed. It is shown that “form” and “content” as humanistic categories, in relation to professionalism, lose their traditional rational meaning in mediated (distance) learning, acquiring an anti-value character in cognitive practices. “Relationship” and “relationship” as humanistic categories partly work to develop a strategy for optimal and coordinated development of the individual as a subject in education. Conclusion. Despite the inevitable digitalization of the educational process, it is necessary to take into account that the main task of education in the traditional sense has always been the formation of the individual, and the means to achieve this goal have evolved with the development of scientific and technological progress. Therefore, in the conditions of digitalization of education, it is necessary to preserve the traditional content and meaning in distance education in new ways of communication. Humanitarian and humanistic reflection reveals in these trends, to a greater extent, the processes of combination and interrelation rather than opposition, which may represent a variant of solving temporary problems in society and auxiliary ones in education.


A. M. Gusev
Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University, Novosibirsk, Russia
Keywords: education, digitalization, information technologies in education, ethical context of educational problems

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Introduction. Modern challenges of digitalization significantly affect the education system, which must be modernized based on the current conditions in order to be effective in the future. However, in addition to a large number of advantages, this development leads to aggravation of a number of ethical problems. In this regard, there is a scientific problem of assessing the ethical side of the development of digital technologies in education. In order to study the ethical problems associated with the development of digital technologies in education, the main directions of the impact of digitalization on education are investigated, and the forecasting of future education based on the new needs of society is analyzed. Considerable attention is paid to the study of ethical problems in education, which are becoming more acute in the process of developing digital technologies. Methodology and methods of the research. To achieve this goal, we used the methods of dialectics of social cognition, analysis of the socio-philosophical, socio-pedagogical and ethical context of educational problems. Insufficient knowledge of the features of the influence of digital culture and the social consequences of its development, the need to harmonize the human nature and new models of the formation of its qualities corresponds to the methodological principle of a systematic approach to the problem of our research. The principles of historicism and consistency used in the work are supplemented by structural-functional and socio-cultural approaches to the study of the phenomenon of digitalization of the educational space in the context of the development of modern society. The results of the research. The digital economy presents modern education with a number of complex ethical problems related to the use of digital technologies in the educational process, as well as their impact on the development of people’s competencies and abilities. Most of these problems currently do not have unambiguous solutions. The essential fact is that, on one hand, the introduction of breakthrough technologies in an inherently inertial education system should be carried out very carefully, and on the other hand, it is necessary to understand their inevitability and necessity. Conclusion. In general, it can be concluded that the development of information technologies will increase the effectiveness of education in the future, will contribute to the education of versatile individuals who are able to continuously learn and retrain throughout their lives.


K. V. Shchurin1,2
1Belarusian State Agricultural Technical University, Minsk, Belarus
2Moscow State Regional University of Technology, Minsk, Belarus
Keywords: engineer, technical progress, technosphere, coevolution, synergy, process metaphysics, engineering education

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Introduction. The ever-increasing amount of special information in the technosphere and the increasing lack of time to master higher education programs necessitate increased selectivity in the appointment of the nomenclature and the volume of socio-humanitarian disciplines of the variative unit in the training programs of technical and technological directions. The range and content of such disciplines should be harmonized with general professional and special disciplines, motivating students to self-creative use of their knowledge. Methodology and methods of the research. The basic application of the system-synergistic approach to the analysis and prediction of the optimal path of technological progress as a coevolution of man and the surrounding social-natural space on the basis of mutually integrated principles of philosophical rationalism, existentialism and metaphysics of the process is applied. The purpose of engineering education is to train a creative specialist with a deep cultural and moral position. To do this, it is necessary to build an effective didactic bridge, accelerating the transition from the psychological attitudes of the student to the psychology of the creative, socially responsible “Homo technicus”. The results of the research. The existence of psychological, physiological and technical filters prevents the adequate human perception of objective reality and the creation of an optimal technosphere, which leads to the expanded application of methods of logic and metaphysics of the process. An engineer at the subconscious level should have the ability to recognize and screen out unacceptable solutions, timely identifying and taking into account objective limitations and local requirements. The system-forming discipline in engineering educational programs should be the “Philosophy of Technology” which analyzes the multi-factor trajectory of technological progress and vigorously participates in the formation of the best directions of its development. It is a discipline-catalyst in the study of general professional and special disciplines, and at the same time the basic in the block “Philosophy of Technology” - “Basics of Engineering Creativity” - “Innovation”. Conclusion. The “Philosophy of technology” as a system discipline has become a full part of the educational process in the field of higher technical education in many highly developed countries. Formed and tested by us is a set of disciplines on the basis of the “Philosophy of Technology”, the information and didactic effectiveness of which is confirmed by positive application practices; it is recommended to introduce it in educational programs of training specialists, masters, graduate students of science-intensive technical and technological areas.


Yu. V. Vantsev
Private school "Eureka", Samara, Russia
Keywords: communication in school, communicative didactics, N. Luhmann’s concept of society, open teaching content, communicative-productive teaching method

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Introduction. An interdisciplinary analysis of communicative school practices, carried out using N. Luhmann’s theory of communication, makes it possible to diagnose the blocking of school public communication as one of the system codes of general education. This code is used to maintain the operability and reliability of the status and role subject-centered school teaching system. The fictitiousness of self-identification and social integration, as well as the reproductive nature of learning activity, are caused by the constant breakdowns in communication and the lack of access to a source of student independence. This source “is located” not in the internal “structures of personality” (psychic system), but in communication (social system), which is established only when it detects a favorable environment in the minds of members of the school community. Methodology and methods of the research. A theoretical development of the interdisciplinary context of the problem and the search for new structural connections between the psychic system (individual consciousness) and communication (selection of information, its message and understanding) have been undertaken in the paper. The conditions that protect communication have been discovered and are guaranteed to be recreated due to the long-term observation of students communicating within the frame of special forms. These forms correspond to the theoretical model of the ideal speech situation by J. Habermas and the concept of communication by N. Luhmann. The results of the research. In psychological terms, the identity of fear to speak, fear to act independently and fear to create is determined. In terms of linguo-pragmatics, a free dialogue requires equal chances for speaking, for criticism, for opinions thematization, for self-expression and for managing the course of the discussion, which is ensured by formal rules and their strict observance by all participants. The “natural” benefits of adults (age, awareness, experience and a higher social status) oblige them to voluntarily give up privileges that give them an advantage in discourse with students who, due to a deliberately disadvantaged position, prefer not to communicate with adults in a school public situation. A theoretical analysis of the didactic context of the experiment has led to interesting results. A new type of teaching content has been identified, the social content. Its open part (unknown to the teacher beforehand) is produced by communication. The paper outlines the main features of a new communicative and productive teaching method that can be used both in the classroom and in extracurricular activities. Conclusion. The paper raises a number of new specific questions and outlines multidirectional interdisciplinary research in the field of philosophy of education, psychology, social psychology (psychology of communication), theory of educational systems and didactics of communication.


A. V. Govorushenko, L. N. Kretova, V. G. Khrapchenkov
Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University, Novosibirsk, Russia
Keywords: adaptation, first-year students, university, motivation, teaching university students, educational process

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Introduction. It is known that starting their studies at a university, freshmen are faced with many problems that impede successful learning. The main task of a higher educational institution is to train competitive specialists who can adapt to any conditions, specialists who will be in demand by society, however, the higher education system must create conditions for the successful adaptation of students during their studies. The paper deals with the problem of adaptation of freshmen to the educational process in higher education. The purpose of the paper is to summarize the results (theoretical and methodological review) of Russian and foreign studies devoted to the problem of adaptation and to identify the features of the process of adaptation of students to the educational process in the 1st year. The relevance of the problem under consideration is due to the fact that the successful training of a student depends not only on the assimilation of knowledge as such, but also on how he/she adapts to the new environment, the team, how the colossal amount of work is distributed. Otherwise, the student’s level of anxiety increases, which in turn leads to problems with academic performance. Also, the further professional activity of a person largely depends on the successful adaptation process. Methodology and methods of the research. The paper is written using a descriptive method by collecting, summarizing and analyzing the literature on the problem. The material for the work was the results of studies by domestic and foreign authors devoted to the problem of adaptation of first-year students to study at a university, such as V. N. Gribov, O. N. Kazakova, T. I. Katkova, G. P. Kuzina, S. A. Runova, Yu. V. Stafeeva. The results of the research. The paper discusses the process of adaptation, formulates the main types of adaptation that 1st year students face in the learning process. The special importance of academic, psychological types of adaptation and the implementation of various types of adaptation in the modern educational process are shown. In addition, it was revealed that there are many factors influencing the adaptation process, such as relationships with parents, with the study group, internal motivation to acquire knowledge. Conclusion. Summarizing the data from scientific sources, the authors came to the conclusion that the adaptation of freshmen to study at a university is the most important factor in the success of further education and professional implementation of the student. At the same time, it was revealed that the adaptation process in the 1st year can be carried out in such ways as the introduction of special educational subjects, the use of tutoring, various questionnaires, and questionnaires to determine the level of adaptation. Separately highlighted are such techniques as design, social design, which contributes to increasing motivation and successful professional adaptation.


T. V. Mzhelskaya, I. A. Durakov, O. N. Cationov
Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University, Novosibirsk, Russia
Keywords: pedagogy, parenting model, archeology, values, educational impact

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Introduction. The reduction of the contact teacher’s work with students, transferring classes to a remote form, reducing the educational process at the University lead to the fact that students have a smaller opportunity to learn from the direct experience of their mentors’ professional skills, including the field of education. The unique experience of teachers who successfully worked in the Soviet pedagogical school can contribute to the training of highly professional specialists and should be studied and applied in higher education institutions. The purpose of this paper is to summarize the ideas concerning of education and bringing up of history students by doctor of historical sciences, professor T. N. Troitskaya (Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University). Methodology and methods of the research. The research is based on the ideas of education related to the issues of social development of a person, the formation of the qualities of solidarity, morality, citizenship, interpersonal relations, interests and needs of the individual in the group, subjective experience of social processes. The results of the research. Professor T. N. Troitskaya determines the factors that form her as a person: family, the desire to achieve goals, relations of relatives with close environment, cultivated ideas not just to survive, but to bear with dignity all the hardships that life offers. She as well as her students gave a lot of effort and energy to educational work in the archaeological club and in the expeditions, since their conditions are a favorable environment for this process. One of the main principles of educational work is an individual, differentiated approach to students, identifying the interests and capabilities of each, the formation of communicative competencies. Conclusion. After analyzing main pedagogical ideas of Professor T. N. Troitskaya, we come to a very important conclusion that only by personal example the Pedagogue can teach future teachers to respect and love their students, the ability to communicate with them, to stimulate their interest in their subject, and perhaps to determine their future profession.


L. I. Krupina1, E. I. Baronskaya2
1"25 frame" Ñonsulting Agency, Kemerovo, Russia
2Kuzbass RTPPMS "Health and Personal Development", Kemerovo, Russia
Keywords: categories, thinking, concept, cultural and historical approach, unity of intellect and affect, category system, categorical methodology, awareness

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Introduction. The content of the paper is aimed at revealing the nature of the cognitive process, the procedural content bases of the development of cognition in the form of the formation of a system of scientific concepts through the marginal transitions of meanings-senses-meanings. According to L. S. Vygotsky, the meaning of words develops both in its structure and in the system of cognitive processes that underlie it. Otherwise, with the development of the meaning of a word, not only its semantic, but also its systemic psychological structure changes. Methodology and methods of the research. The basis of the research is the categorical-dialectical methodology, the means correlated with the theory of knowledge, the dialectical system of categories. The basis of the method of experimental research of the paradox of psychological description of cognitive processes is the author’s “Method of marginal transitions” (L. I. Krupina). One of the sides of the content manifestation of this technique is the double transition of” units of consciousness “of meanings-senses-meanings” in the process of modifying the “semantic structure when it is embodied in words” by means of categories. This requires differentiation of both sides of external and internal speech, awareness of their differences and the nature of each of them. The experiment, conducted outside the boundaries of classical psychology, required a fundamentally different structure, where the category was both the means and object of research, as well as the organizer of the process of cognition of the subject, which ensured the effectiveness of the double transition of meaning - sense - meaning. Its participants were 65 pupils of the 10th grades with advanced study of physics from the School ¹1 (Kemerovo). The results of the research presented in the form of nonverbal, self-conscious, voluntary, systematic actions of the subjects of the educational process for the formation and development of a system of scientific concepts based on the idea of the evolution of the principle of relativity as one of the fundamental concepts of physics. Conclusion. As a result of theoretical and experimental research, the authors managed to pre-empt the essence of the paradox of the cognitive process, which required other conditions and means for its elimination, contributing to the expansion of the boundaries of classical science. Scientific novelty and theoretical significance of the research: to identify the paradox, the identification of its internal contradictions, content, accompanying the constraints of classical pedagogy and psychology, through the education and development of scientific concepts, distinctions of values and meanings, responsible for the formation of scientific concepts of unity and integrity of our consciousness as a system-semantic structure responsible for the development of higher mental functions, ensuring the unity of the individual and the cultural-historical experience of humanity.