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"Philosophy of Education"

2019 year, number 4


N. S. Zhdanova, A. V. Ekaterinushkina, Yu. S. Antonenko
G. I. Nosov Magnitogorsk State Technical University, Magnitogorsk, Russia
Keywords: ценностные ориентации, культура, памятники архитектуры, историческое наследие, методика обучения будущих дизайнеров, value orientations, culture, architectural monuments, historical heritage, methods of teaching future designers


Introduction. Cultural integration affects the development of modern civilization. Within the framework of the global problems of politics, economy, social life and culture, there is an increasing interest in the preservation, revival of the architectural and historical heritage of the country. This requires constant identification of historical, cultural, value patterns and trends of their further development. This process is crucial in the education of the younger generation. Methodology and methods of the research. Our research is aimed at the implementation of the method of formation of value orientations of future designers, through the study of the architectural and historical heritage of the country. The methodological basis is the scientific works N. S. Zhdanova, O. M. Veremey, J. V. Sokolov, I. K. Beloyarskaya, G. I. Saganenko, A. V. Kiryakova, A. V. Ekaterinushkina, J. S. Antonenko and others. Historical-cultural and aesthetic dimension of the study focused on the works of V. A. Surovtsev, Yu. A. Chayka, L. G. Averkieva, Kh. E. Mamalova The results of the research. The authors emphasize the importance of the process of education of Patriotic and artistic and aesthetic values as the basis of the worldview of young people, especially when it comes to the recognition of civil identity, tolerance, preservation of historical traditions. One of the effective ways, according to the authors, is to involve students in the study of historical monuments of architecture. The developed method is aimed at the implementation of value-oriented activity approach, which is based on the research component that ensures the preservation, revival, reconstruction and modernization of existing buildings or lost monuments. Such training leads to the obvious identification of the theory and its connection with social practice, to the gradual formation of value orientations through acquaintance, understanding and acceptance of values as their own. The formation of value orientations can be carried out in the study of various architectural monuments: religious, Palace, public, residential, industrial, etc.when choosing an object of study, one of the main criteria is its historical significance or artistic merit. Over the years, several dozens of objects have been made with students, in this article the experience of the study of Pashkov House in Moscow is presented. Conclusion. The study conducted by the authors confirmed that architecture is a fertile research topic and an effective means of forming value orientations of students - future designers.