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Region: Economics and Sociology

2019 year, number 4


R.V. Fattakhov1, M.M. Nizamutdinov2, V.V. Oreshnikov2
1Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Russia
2Institute of Social and Economic Research, UFRC RAS, Ufa, Russia
Keywords: города России, привлекательность городов, оценка, факторы, интегральный показатель, ранжирование, экономические агенты, cities of Russia, attractiveness of cities, assessment, factors, integrated indicator, ranking, economic agents


The article proposes an approach to assessing the attractiveness of large cities of the Russian Federation for residents, businesses, and tourists. While working on this approach, we have determined the private parameters of cities’ attractiveness for individual economic agents and calculated an integrated indicator. The hypothesis of the study relies on the fact that, if a city is placed high in a certain ranking, it is not always guaranteed to hold the top spots in other areas; however, as a rule, it is more typical of outsiders to rank differently in ratings than of front-runner cities. As a research toolkit, we use system analysis, methods of factor, statistical, structural, and dynamic analysis, classification, methods of correlation and regression analysis, economic and mathematical modeling. The approach has been tested on the data for major cities in the Russian Federation. We have both defined sets of particular indicators characterizing certain areas of research and an approach to establishing an integrated indicator of the city’s attractiveness, necessary for a generalized assessment. The presented results ostensibly confirm the initial hypothesis. Under current conditions, state municipal authorities should pay special attention not only to the development of individual cities but to the integrated development of a regional spatial framework, where cities play a pivotal role. The proposed approach to evaluating the attractiveness of Russia’s cities produces logical and comprehensible results applicable in problem-solving.