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Philosophy of Sciences

2019 year, number 3


Vasiliy Pavlovich Goran
Institute of Philosophy and Law, Siberian Branch of the Russian Akademy of Sciences, 8, Nikolaev st., Nopvosibirsk, 630090, Russia
Keywords: Спиноза, Молинос, научное миропонимание, религиозное миропонимание, фатализм, активность человека, квиетизм, Spinoza, Molinos, scientific understanding of the world, religious understanding of the world, fatalism, human activity, quietism


The article compares constituent components of the positions of Dutch philosopher Benedict Spinoza and Spanish priest Michel Molinos who published his work almost at the same time when of Spinoza's final treatise «Ethics» was cjmpleted. Comparison of their positions is very revealing. The fact is that Molinos is the creator of the concept of Quietism. This is a variant of religious understanding of the world, in which the focus is on the recognition of unconditional predestination by God of absolutely everything, including in human life. Hence the recommendation by Molinos to a believer of a position of complete indifference to everything that happens, including with this person himself. And Spinoza is one of those, moreover, the brightest European philosophers of the first century of the New Age, who are focused not on the religious, but on the then emerging scientific world outlook. But he is also committed to the idea of the unambiguously necessary character of the decisively all that takes place in the universe. And yet the position concerning the manifestations of human activity, Spinoza is diametrically opposed to that of Molinos. Since man, according to Spinoza, is a component of the universe, his own activity is one of the factors determining what is happening in the universe.