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Region: Economics and Sociology

2019 year, number 3

Digital Economy: New Opportunities and Threats for Regions

Institute of Economics and Industrial Engineering, Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Novosibirsk, Russia
Keywords: цифровые платформы, новая парадигма занятости, восстанавливающее сообщество, информационная открытость, digital platforms, new employment paradigm, regenerative community, informational transparency


While the economy and business in developed countries began their digital transformation more than a decade ago, many of its manifestations have yet to be comprehended and conceptualized. Researchers claim numerous economic sectors are being disrupted, the nature of competition is shifting, the labor market is undergoing serious changes, new opportunities for entrepreneurship and personal fulfillment are emerging, and a young elite is bringing brand-new values to the world. However, from the methodology perspective, the studies exhibit various approaches and points of view towards digital transformation processes, although almost everyone agrees that the digital technology and related changes are driving the economic growth of businesses, regions, and countries alike. The article structures the key changes caused by digital technology development within the interests of major regional actors: business, citizens, and regional authorities. We show different ways to create new competitive advantages for the region, point out opportunities and threats that follow the process of digital transformation and are crucial for defining the drivers of economic growth.