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Professional Education in the Modern World

2017 year, number 4


V.N. Babin, Iu.V. Babina
Novosibirsk State Agrarian University, Novosibirsk, the Russian Federation
Keywords: компетентностный подход, аудит высшей школы, оценка качества образования, менеджмент качества, профессиональные компетентности, образовательные стандарты, competency-based approach, audit of higher education, assessment of education quality, quality management, professional competence, educational standards


The problem of ensuring the relevance of educational processes of socio-economic and cultural needs of society has become a serious challenge for traditional approaches in higher education. Higher professional education can no longer remain in a state of substantial isolation from the needs of the labour market and changes in systems of communication in society as a whole, one of the conditions for the effective functioning of the system is the balance of interests of subjects of educational process in diversified innovative environment with a new type of relations between participants. Focus on learning outcomes in the design, implementation and evaluation of educational program quality involves changing paradigm of the educational process as a system. So you need an awareness of the complexity of the competence approach on the basis of which it is planned to improve the functioning of the system of higher education and increase the quality of professional training of graduates. Modernization of Russian education in accordance with these requirements increases the importance of orientation to the process of self-development and realization of personal potential of teachers in professional education in training activities, but this form of organization of educational work, which aims, contents, requirements to get results close to future professional activity. This article describes the features of competence-based paradigm of development of modern higher education; justifies essential changes in objectives, principles, contents, forms and methods of training and assessment of its quality; the factors, due to increased importance of self-actualization, defining the approach to the full development of the potential capabilities and its successful preparation for professional activities.