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2017 year, number 6

Superthin solar cells based on AIIIBV/ Ge heterostructures

N. A. Pakhanov1, O. P. Pchelyakov1, V. M. Vladimirov2
1Rzhanov Institute of Semiconductor Physics, Siberian Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences, 630090, Novosibirsk, prosp. Akademika Lavrent'eva, 13
2Joint Stock Company "Electron Research and Production Enterprise", 660036, Krasnoyarsk, Academgorodok, Building 50
Keywords: сверхтонкие солнечные элементы на основе AB/Ge, гетероструктуры AB/Ge, солнечные элементы на основе AB/GaInAs, superthin solar cells on the basis of AB/Ge, AB heterostructures, solar cells on the basis of AB/GaInAs


A comparative analysis of the prospects of creating superthin, light, and highly efficiency solar cells based on AIIIBV/InGaAs and AIIIBV/Ge heterostructures is performed. Technological problems and prospects of each variant are discussed. A method of thinning of AIIIBV/Ge heterostructures with the use of an effective temporal technological carrier is proposed. The method the process to be performed almost with no risk of heterostructure fracture, thinning of the Ge cascade down to several tens of micrometers (or even several micrometers), significant increase in the percentage of good devices being produced, and also convenient and reliable transfer of thinned solar cells to an arbitrary light and flexible substrate. Such a technology offers a possibility of creating high-efficiency thin and light solar cells for space vehicles on the basis of batch-produced AIIIBV/Ge heterostructures.