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Scientific journal “Vestnik NSUEM”

2017 year, number 3


M.G. Dankov1,2
1Megafon Public Company, Planetnaya str., 30, Novosibirsk, Novosibirsk Region, 630015
2Novosibirsk State University of Economics and Management, Str. Kamenskaya, 56, Novosibirsk, 630099, Russia
Keywords: финансовая стратегия, методический подход, стратегия развития, общая концепция управления, эффективность управления финансами, матрицаADL, целевые показатели, financial strategy, methodological approach, development strategy, generalconcept of management, efficiency of financial management, ADL matrix, target indicators


The article carries out an analysis of the existing methodological approaches to formationof a finance strategy of a corporation; the practicality of the existing tools regardingformation of a finance strategy of a telecommunication corporation in the Russian Federationis critically described. In particular, the authors characteristic of the following methodological approaches to formation of a finance strategy of a company, widely-spread inRussian economic literature: modified Du Pont factor analysis, concept of the sustainablyincrement rate of the Boston Consulting Group (BCG), matrix model by J. Franshon andI. Romane, ADL/LC model of strategic management by Arthur D. Little and some others,which rest upon and perfect the mentioned approaches, is given. The authors methodologicalapproach on the basis of the ADL/LC model of strategic management by ArthurD. Little is offered; it improves the basic approach relating to the analysis of prerequisitesfor diversification of economic activity and change of the competitive environment of thecorporation, determination of the channels of translation of strategic financial goals to operatinglevel of management, analysis of the impact of macroeconomic indicators on targetfinancial performance. Within the framework of the model of strategic management byArthur D. Little the author offers the tools of strategic and operating target setting as necessaryimprovement, in particular: target performance indicators of financial managementfor telecommunication corporations in the Russian Federation in linkage to the forms ofpublic quarterly financial statements. Apart from introduction of the additional requirementsto the tools of formation of a finance strategy, approbation of the offered target performanceindicators of financial management at strategic and tactical level by the exampleof the analysis of the dynamics of the financial reporting indicators of Megafon PublicCompany for the period of 2014-2015 was carried out. The interpretation of the obtainedcoefficients, characterizing quality of financial management of Megafon Public Companywithin the offered financial strategy, is given.