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Chemistry for Sustainable Development

2016 year, number 6

Study of the Distribution of Macroand Microelements in Coal Preparation Wastes of the Kuznetsk Coal Basin

1West Siberian Test Centre OJSC, Novokuznetsk, Russia
2Institute of Coal Chemistry and Chemical Materials, Federal Research Centre Coal and Coal Chemistry, Siberian Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences, Kemerovo, Russia
3Novokuznetsk Institute, Novokuznetsk, Russia
Keywords: породы углеобогащения, токсичные элементы, валовые, подвижные формы элементов, отходы, coal preparation rocks, toxic elements, gross, mobile forms of elements, wastes


Volumes of accumulated coal preparation wastes and trends to their increase in the coming decades represent a serious problem for a number of Russian regions. At the same time, they can find application as technogenic raw materials and secondary energy resources. With the objective of determining the possibility of their safe use in processing and disposal technologies, the distribution of toxic elements and toxic compounds in coal preparation rocks of the Kuznetsk coal basin. According to the results of the analysis of 17 samples of coal preparation wastes, major statistical characteristics for data sets including the content of toxic elements in gross and mobile forms in the samples studied. It was determined that the concentrations of the gross forms of toxic elements (cadmium, vanadium, copper, and nickel) did not exceed the maximum allowable indicators for major soil types of the Kemerovo Region. For coal preparation wastes, the maximum average total sulphur content (1397 mg/kg), manganese (943 mg/kg) and zinc (115 mg/kg) are typical. Maximum exceeding MPC of mobile forms of elements was observed for copper (84.6 %), lead (69.2 %), nickel (53.8 %) and manganese (46.2 %). The confidence intervals of the concentrations of copper and manganese that are contained in coal preparation wastes in the movable form and obey the normal distribution were determined. By the multiplicity excess of indicators for mobile forms of toxic elements contained in coal preparation wastes, the following row can be proposed: F > Pb > Zn > Cu > Ni > Mn.