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Professional Education in the Modern World

2016 year, number 3


E. G. Korotkikh1, N. V. Nosenko2
1Novosibirsk State Agrarian University, Novosibirsk, Russian Federation
2Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University, Novosibirsk, Russian Federation
Keywords: методика преподавания иностранного языка, академическая мобильность, академический обмен, монолингвальная группа, герменевтический подход, логическая карта текста, активно-деятельностные, студентоцентрированные методики, классификация уровней мышления, таксономия Блума, кейс-технологии, methods of teaching foreign languages, academic mobility, academic exchange, monolingual group, hermeneutic approach, a logical map of the text, active student-centered methods, classification of levels of thinking, Bloom's taxonomy, Case technology


The paper considers the methods of teaching foreign languages at universities in the situation of academic mobility and academic exchange. According to the authors, teaching a foreign language in groups of foreign students enrolled in programs and contracts within the framework of international academic exchange has certain specificity. The teacher needs to be ready for training strategy used in the so-called monolingual groups. The authors outline that the success of a language teacher in a monolingual group is directly related to the correct construction of communicative space and professionally correct implementation of active, student-centered methods. It is possible to consider the implementation of the general strategy of foreign language teaching both in terms of adaptation of traditional formats of tasks, and in the application of active learning techniques. It is obvious that in the conditions of monolingual groups, such traditional tasks for a foreign language class, as translation, must be replaced by another way of checking comprehension. The teacher is bound to know the methods of verification of written or oral reproduction of the logical text content in a foreign language. Important factors related to teaching a foreign language in monolingual group is the emphasis on active, student-centered learning strategy. The authors emphasize the relationship of this strategy with classification of levels of thinking, known as Bloom's taxonomy. This classification is the basis of the Case technology discussed in the article. Application of Case technologies in monolingual groups helps foreign students follow the steps of developing thinking skills relying only on learning a foreign language as a communicative framework. Thus, the use of adapted to monolingual groups techniques demands a competent, creative approach to the formation of competences on the “foreign language” discipline, which is a must of the programs of international academic exchange.