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"Philosophy of Education"

2016 year, number 2


Artem V. Makulin
Northern State Medical University, 163000, Russia, Arxangelsk, av. Troitskii, 51
Keywords: цифровая гуманитаристика, визиософия, визуализация философии, философская инфографика, digital humanities, visiosophy, visualizing of Philosophy, philosophical infographics


In the article, there is proposed a comprehensive description and philosophical-pedagogical interpretation of modern software applications, the goal of which is the dynamical and visual representation of different aspects of philosophy as a database, on the basis of which one can build graphical visualizations, efficiently carry out interactive search and retrieve new nontrivial information for the system of philosophical knowledge. The article shows that, in the framework of the evolution of the digital means of the philosophy visualization, there is a fairly deep isomorphism between intelligible activity on building philosophical networks and the ways of their visualization. In the article, the author performs a comparison between digital and other (art-graphic, table-schematic) means of visualization of philosophical knowledge. A distinctive application-related path is traced of digital imaging, which corresponds to the changes if modern methods of explication of the network structures of philosophical knowledge, in the framework of which the relationship between philosophical ideas and concepts appears in a new form which has been previously hidden from the eyes of researcher. Сhoosing a digital visualization of philosophy as a key subject of research is justified by the author by a few assumptions: on one hand, the novelty of the approach which offers the inherent in the computer technologies opportunity to accelerate the identification and extraction of new knowledge from various databases (in our case, the philosophical ones) and, on the other hand, the lack of philosophical and pedagogical reflection of this method. As a leading paradigm, author uses the common ideological position of Digital humanities, as well as the approach known in the Western intellectual tradition as pancomputationalism, which presupposes the active using of computer-aided instruction (CAI) in the process of teaching philosophy. The author concludes that the explication is necessary of the essence and conditions of the digital methods of philosophy visualization, because the data obtained from different databases can be considered appropriate for the needs of philosophical analysis. In the context of transformation of the national education system, as well as the increasing role of online sites of mass education, the author has shown the relevance of a so-called «computational turn» in the framework of development of the traditional sections of philosophy and its teaching. According to the author's position, pancomputationalism is only an important addition to the traditional philosophical work of researchers, but this approach cannot force a personal-heuristic dimension out of research work. On the contrary, «Computational turn» contributes to a more complete disclosure of the spectrum of the author's research position, as well as it contributes to a significant acceleration of the work with new philosophical data.