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"Philosophy of Education"

2015 year, number 5


T. N. Gnitetskaya, N. N. Kovalchuk, Yu. E. Shutko, E. B. Ivanova
Far Eastern Federal University, 8, Sukhanova St., Vladivostok, Russia, 690950
Keywords: управление обучением, ситуационная матрица, лидерство, нравственность, уроки физики, management of learning, situational matrix, leadership, morality, physics lessons


The article is devoted to the topical issue for today, concerning the class management. In the process of class management, one should lean upon specially selected and trained leaders. We propose morality as a selection criterion; to measure it, we suggest checking the reaction of students to the proverbs-situations. We present a method of situational matrix, proposed by the authors. This matrix was realized in the process of studying physics by the students of the 10-th grade. The results of its testing are given. The distribution of the moral background in the classroom is shown. The situational matrix allows the teacher to get an idea about the behavior of students in different situations, makes it possible to predict the behavior of pupils in group activities. This facilitates the management of the class and contributes to finding ways to motivate the study of complex material in physics. The picture of moral values of the class outlined by using the elements of the situational matrix can help the teacher to determine a group of students with a high level of morality, who can be considered as potential leaders. Of course, not all students in this group are apparent leaders. But, as practice shows, high moral principles are characteristic of strong personalities capable to disregard their own interests for the benefit of others. Therefore, we hypothesized that extra boosting by the teacher of the authority of these guys in the class, which is set for competition, will foster the establishment of the required psychological «climate» in which there occurs the natural distribution of leaders in the teams. We established a fact of coincidence of morality distributions in two 10-grade classes. A correlation between morality and academic progress has not been revealed. The search for additional resources in the areas of morality and values that can be used in the management of the class is justified and efficient. These resources can contribute to the solution of the problem of increasing the efficiency of teaching physics in modern conditions.