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Scientific journal “Vestnik NSUEM”

2015 year, number 1


R.E. Mansurov
Institute of Economics, Management and Law, Moscowskaya st., 42, Kazan, Republik of Tatarstan, 420111
Keywords: Оценка свеклосахарного производства, эффективность свекло-сахарного подкомплекса, состояние сахарных заводов, региональное управление АПК, Estimation of beet sugar production, efficiency of beet sugar subcomplex, state of sugar factories, regional management of agricultural sector


The article makes an assessment of the modern state of the beet sugar subcomplex of Bryansk Region. Estimated gross yield of sugar beet from fields of the region in 2014 is defined, perspectives of production of sugar beet by Lopandinsky sugar factory are estimated on its basis. Main directions for the development of the beet sugar subcomplex in the context of need for provision of food security are defined. Application of «W. Launhardt’s location triangle» method can be of academic interest; recommendations which make it possible to balance existing refining capacity with overall production of sugar beet, as well as with crop acres in the reserved area of raw provision can be of practical relevance. The research results show that the beet sugar subcomplex of Bryansk Region at present doesn’t satisfy internal demand of the region in sugar and it poses a threat to provision of food security of the region. The need for increase of crop areas of sugar beet and season of sugar refining at Lopandinsky sugar factory by means of application of field piling technology is proved for solution of the given issue. The said offers will make it possible to achieve optimal level of use of existing refining capacity and satisfy demand of population of the region in white sugar.