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Contemporary Problems of Ecology

2010 year, number 1

Specific Сomposition and Number of Earthworms in the Tundra Biocenoses of the Denezhkin Kamen' Mountain Range (Northern Urals)

A. I. Ermakov, E. V. Golovanova
Keywords: Lumbricidae, faunа, abundance, mountain-tundra biocenoses, Northern Urals
Pages: 15-20


Taxonomic composition of earthworms was anаlyzed and their abundance in the mountainous tundra belt of the Denezhkin Kamen' range in Northern Urals was estimated. Four species were revealed: Perelia diрlotetratheca (Perel, 1976), Eisenia nordenskioldi (Eisen, 1879), E. atlavinyteae Perel et Graphodatsky, 1984 and Dendrobaenа octaedra (Savigny, 1826). It was shown that earthworms dominate in biomass over other groups of soil mesofauna under the mountainous conditions.