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Contemporary Problems of Ecology

2006 year, number 5

Features of the Mechanisms of Antioxidant System Activation in Limnetic (Freshwater) Amphipoda: I. Palearctic Gammarus lacustris Sars

M. A. Timofeev


The goal of the investigation is to estimate the mechanisms of activation of the antioxidant system (AOS) under the oxidative action of exogenic character in Palearctic Gammarus lacustris Sars. The oxidative action was induced by exposing the amphipoda in the solutions of a humin-containing laboratory preparation. Investigations indicated that exposure of the amphipoda under question in the solutions of the preparation leads to an increase in the activity of peroxidase and glutathione-S-transferase enzymes, as well as the level of lipid peroxide oxidizer (LPO), which is an evidence of the intensification of oxidative stress. A two-stage mechanism of the reaction of antioxidant system was revealed in the amphipoda. The first stage is characterized by the high protection level and allows effective containment of the negative oxidative action. The second stage is of low efficiency; it is accompanied by an increase in the level of LPO and the activity of glutathione-S-transferase, which is an evidence of the destruction of cell membrane structures.