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Geography and Natural Resources

2024 year, number 3

Chemical contamination assessment in the area of the reclaimed solid waste landfill within the boundaries of Vladimir Opolie

1Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia
2A.G. and N.G. Stoletovs Vladimir State University, Vladimir, Russia
Keywords: solid waste landfill, reclamation, environment, soil cover, surface water, heavy metals, ionic composition of water, environmental securuty


This paper presents results from studying chemical contamination of soil and surface water in the area of the reclaimed solid waste landfill located within the boundaries of Vladimir Opolie. The study showed that the highest concentrations of bulk forms of heavy metals in soil cover, exceeding the MPC values, are observed near the solid waste landfill at a distance of 80-120 m. With distance from the landfill, the concentrations of metals in soil cover decrease to values below the MPC. The accumulation of heavy metals here was facilitated by factors such as spontaneous combustion of solid waste at the landfill, air transport of aeropollutants as well as the characteristics of gray forest soil, such as the content of organic matter, pH and granulometric composition. In surface waters flowing in the immediate vicinity of the solid waste landfill, an excess of MPC values for a number of heavy metals was established; for zinc and copper, by a factor of several tens. An analysis of the ionic composition of surface waters showed the presence of chemical contamination which is likely due to the ingress of seepage water from the solid waste landfill. The engineering inadequacy of this solid waste landfill and the lack of a clear mechanism for reclamation measures significantly increase the risk of contamination of soil cover of adjacent territories and surface watercourses with hazardous chemical compounds. To monitor the state of the environment in the interests of the safety of the population living here and the preservation of the unique ecosystem of Vladimir Opolie near this closed reclaimed landfill, it is recommended that regular environmental monitoring observations should be conducted.