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Geography and Natural Resources

2024 year, number 3

Development of geographical research in Institute of Water and Environmental Problems FEB RAS

Institute of Water and Environmental Problems, Far Eastern Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences, Khabarovsk, Russia
Keywords: history of creation, laboratories, areas of research, expeditionary work, scientific results, applied developments


Information on the history of the creation and development of the Institute of Water and Environmental Problems FEB RAS. It is one of the oldest scientific institutions of the Russian Academy of Sciences in the Far East. Information on the main scientific areas of research related to the study of the patterns of formation of land waters and the dynamics of ecosystems for the purpose of rational use of biological resources is summarized. The main scientific tasks of the institute’s laboratories: hydrology and hydrogeology, hydroecology and biogeochemistry, vegetation ecology, animal ecology, soil ecology, optimization of regional environmental management, and swamp and forest resources are described, and the most important results of research, mainly over the past ten years, are presented. Characteristics of the scientific bases located on the banks of the Amur and in the foothills of the Sikhote-Alin and the Center for Collective Use “Interregional Center for Environmental Monitoring” are given. Analytical studies of the state of the environment and monitoring of biogeochemical processes are carried out in this Center. Brief information on the institute’s herbarium, which has an International Herbarium Index (KHA), which presents rare and endangered plant species in the region, is given. The areas of expeditionary research carried out in recent years are pointed out, and information on the most important applied research commissioned by various organizations is given. In this paper, we especially noted the research carried out in connection with the need to quickly assess and solve particularly unexpected acute environmental problems that arise from dangerous manifestations of natural processes in the region. Information on the international scientific contacts of the institute, the participation of employees in teaching activities at universities and work with students in schools in Khabarovsk krai is presented.