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Journal of Applied Mechanics and Technical Physics

2024 year, number 3

Design of a New Laboratory Device for Studying Sliding on Snow

A. Yu. Larichkin, D. V. Tikhvinskii, D. V. Parshin
Lavrent'ev Institute of Hydrodynamics, Siberian Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences, Novosibirsk, Russia
Keywords: snow, ski sliding, friction, experiment


A brief overview of experimental approaches to the study of the tribology of sliding of various bodies on snow or ice is presented, and a model and a digital twin of a tribological device is proposed. The deformation distribution of a tank with snow rotating at a target speed was obtained by modeling, and the work done by the friction force per sliding cycle was determined by testing the movement of a ski sample on a flat snow surface. The proposed device can be used to evaluate the efficiency of sliding on snow at a given temperature, snow structure, humidity, and the roughness of the ski surface sliding on snow