Physicomathematical Modeling of the Penetration of projectiles into Soft Fabric Targets
A. V. Petyukov, A. I. Bobrova, I. R. Grishin, D. A. Ivanov, M. Yu. Sotskii
Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Moscow, Russia
Keywords: fabric target, numerical methods, limit penetration speed, ballistic resistance, mesomodeling
A simplified numerical method for simulating the penetration of projectiles into fabric targets is proposed which takes into account the type of fabric weaving, the friction forces between the fibers and between the projectile and the fabric, and the transverse dimensions of the fabric. The necessary calculated parameters were selected from a comparison of experimental and calculated data. The proposed method was used to estimate the ballistic resistance of a combined protective composition required to reduce the armor impact. The problem of the nfluence of the projectile shape on the ballistic resistance of fabric armor protection