Determination of the Effective Dynamic Yield Strength of Heterogeneous Materials
A. E. Buzyurkin, A. E. Kraus, E. I. Kraus, I. I. Shabalin
Khristianovich Institute of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Siberian Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences, Novosibirsk, Russia
Keywords: dynamic yield strength, heterogeneous material, impact, fracture
A method of determining the dynamic yield strength of heterogeneous materials is proposed, based on comparisons of the processes of cavity formation in the reference and examined materials. A series of computations is performed for penetration of an extended rod into homogeneous and heterogeneous massive targets. A nonmonotonic dependence of the penetration depth on the motion velocity is derived. The yield strength limit of a heterogeneous medium is obtained from the analysis of computation results in the coordinates of the specific kinetic energy of the rod and the work of stresses on plastic strains.