Application of the GBK-F Multifunctional Composition to Reduce the Residual Water Saturation of Oil Bed
V. I. Pen'kovskii1, N. K. Korsakova1, L. K. Altunina2, V. A. Kuvshinov2
1Lavrentyev Institute of Hydrodynamics, Siberian Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences, Novosibirsk, Russia 2Institute of Petroleum Chemistry, Tomsk, Russia
Keywords: capillary blocking, terrigenous structure, experiment, oil-displacing compositions
A method for controlling the physical and chemical properties of a formation in order to increase its oil recovery by injecting an acid composition GBK-F into the formation is being considered. An experimental setup has been created for physical modeling of the effect of the composition on an oil reservoir. Experiments were carried out on a flat model with a single injection of the reagent into the central well. The experimental results confirmed the effectiveness of the composition