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Atmospheric and Oceanic Optics

2023 year, number 10

Transmission spectrum of nanoporous aerogel filled with SO2 and a mixture of H2O and SO2 vapors

Yu.N. Ponomarev, A.A. Solodov, A.M. Solodov, T.E. Kuraeva
V.E. Zuev Institute of Atmospheric Optics of Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Science, Tomsk, Russia
Keywords: nanopore aerogel, SiO, water vapor, IR spectrum


The transmission spectra of aerogel with nanopores filled with SO2 and a mixture of H2O and SO2 are studied The measurements were carried out using a Bruker IFS 125 HR Fourier spectrometer in the spectral range 4500-10000 cm-1 at a room temperature. It is found that the filling of nanopores of a sample with SO2 and with a binary mixture of H2O and SO2 molecules affects the absorption bands of the aerogel. This change is reversible: when gases are pumped out, the transmission spectrum of the aerogel sample is restored.