Flooding of Open Pit and Underground Mines in the Chelyabinsk Coal Field: Consequences, Problems and Solutions
L. S. Rybnikova, P. A. Rybnikov, A. Yu. Smirnov
Mining Institute, Ural Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences, Yekaterinburg, Russia
Keywords: Hydrogeological conditions, geoecological problems, water removing, drainage, flooding, underflooding, coal fields, landslide, leakage, water supply pipes
The authors examine the present-day hydrogeological situation and its post-mining phase forecast in the Chelyabinsk Coal Field. Geotechnical facilities in the areas of Krasnaya Gornyachka Mine and Kopeisk and Korkino Open Pit Mines are discussed. The problems to arise during flooding are identified. The hydrological forecasts and an action plan to prevent underflooding in the study areas are presented.