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Journal of Mining Sciences

2023 year, number 3

Modification of Properties of High Luminous Diamonds with Luminophore-Bearing Compositions Toward Enhanced Selectivity of X-Ray Luminescence Separation

V. A. Chanturia, V. V. Morozov, G. P. Dvoichenkova, E. L. Chanturia
Academician Melnikov Institute of Comprehensive Development of Mineral Resources-IPKON, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia
Keywords: Weak and high luminescence diamonds, kimberlite, luminescence property modification, luminophores, modifying agents, interaction mechanism, selectivity criterion


The found interaction mechanism between a mineral-diamond mixture and a modifying agent includes the stage of adhesive attachment of luminophore at grains of diamonds and kimberlite. The selected compositions of modifying agents and the modification process parameters ensure efficient attachment of luminophore-bearing compositions at diamonds. The proposed criterion of selective action of modifying agent on spectral characteristics of diamonds enable choosing modes of recovery of weak and high luminous diamonds from kimberlite ore in X-ray luminescence separation. The rational variation parameters are determined for the organic collector composition, water phase of a modifying agent and for the process of modifying treatment of diamond-kimberlite products before the X-ray luminescence separation. The test of the selected compositions of modifying agents and the diamond-bearing product treatment modes proved almost complete extraction of weak and high luminescence diamonds to concentrate at minimized yield of kimberlite.