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Journal of Mining Sciences

2023 year, number 3

Usability of Chloride Mine Water in Preparing Cemented Paste Backfill

T. I. Rubashkina, M. A. Kostina
Belgorod State University, Belgorod, Russia
Keywords: Cemented paste backfill, mixing water, salt mine water, uniaxial compression strength, static elasticity modulus, Poisson’s ratio


The usability of salt mine water with high content of chloride-ions in preparing cemented paste backfill is studied. The rheological and mechanical properties of experimental backfill mixtures at different cement consumption are analyzed at uniform and compound aggregate hydrated with tap and mine water with the content of chloride-ions up to 0.75% of the mass of cement. The strength, elasticity modulus and Poisson’s ratio are calculated in cemented paste backfill with tap and mine water after curing for 28, 60, 90 and 360 days. It is found that the strength, elasticity and deformation characteristics of the test cemented paste backfill made of mine water change similarly to the backfill made of tap water, at deviation of ± 10% and ± 4% in terms of strength and deformation, respectively. Chloride-ions contained in mine water have no adverse effect on rheological properties of backfill or hydrated cement, and on dynamics of development of strength in the mixture.