Laser monitor for simultaneous imaging in the VIS and near-IR spectral ranges
M.V. Trigub, P.I. Gembukh, N.A. Vasnev, D.V. Shiyanov
V.E. Zuev Institute of Atmospheric Optics of Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Science, Tomsk, Russia
Keywords: active optical systems, brightness amplifiers, near-IR range, imaging
The paper presents the results of the development of an active optical system (a laser monitor) to form enhanced images simultaneously in the visible and near-IR spectral regions. Imagining is carried out in the active medium of a manganese atom brightness amplifier. Images are formed for a time corresponding to the amplification (generation) pulse, which is about 25 ns for the visible region and 35 ns for the IR. Image recording is carried out using digital cameras, including those based on a Russian-made InGaAs sensor. Images of processes accompanied by background radiation formed by a single pulse of a brightness amplifier based on manganese chloride vapors are shown for the first time.