Specific heat capacity of gadolinium-scandium-gallium and calcium-niobium-gallium garnets
D.A. Samoshkin, S.V. Stankus
Kutateladze Institute of Thermophysics SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia
Keywords: gadolinium-scandium and calcium-niobium gallium garnets, specific heat, differential scanning calorimetry
An experimental study of the specific heat capacity of gadolinium-scandium-gallium and calcium-niobium-gallium garnets widely used in laser technology and microelectronics was carried out by the method of differential scanning calorimetry. New experimental results on the specific isobaric heat capacity in the temperature range of 300 -1270 K were obtained; approximation equations and a table of recommended values for scientific and practical use were developed on their basis. The comparison with the known literature data was carried out. The estimated error of the data obtained was 2-4%.