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Thermophysics and Aeromechanics

2022 year, number 6

Investigation of dielectric liquid FC-72 boiling in a slot microchannel

F.V. Ronshin, Yu.A. Dementiev, E.A. Chinnov
Kutateladze Institute of Thermophysics SB RAS, Novosibirsk,Russia
Keywords: boiling, slot microchannel, dielectric liquid


Microchannel cooling systems are widespread due to their efficiency. In this work boiling of dielectric liquid FC-72 in a flat microchannel with a height of 66 μm and a width of 10 mm was studied. Heating was carried out by a thin-film ITO heater in direct contact with the working liquid. The flow regimes at boiling in a wide range of liquid flow rates were investigated. It is shown that boiling regimes in a flat microchannel differ significantly from the flow regimes in circular and rectangular mini- and microchannels. The dependences of heat flux on the temperature head have been plotted. The dependence of the heat transfer coefficient on the heat flux was investigated for different regimes of the two-phase flow.