Chemoconvective mixing in a Y-shaped flow microchannel
D.A. Bratsun1, R.R. Siraev1, E.A. Mosheva1,2, A.V. Shmyrov1,2, A.I. Mizev1,2
1Perm National Research Polytechnic University, Perm,Russia 2Institute of Continuous Media Mechanics of the Ural Branch of RAS, Perm,Russia
Keywords: flow-type reactor, instability, mixing efficiency, chemoconvective effect
The flow-type microreactors, being designed for small-scale production of pharmaceutical substances, have a moderate volume and ensure steady synthesis for pharmaceutical production while using noninva-sive methods for mixing of ingredients. The paper describes experimental and simulation study of the efficiency for natural convection mechanisms for so-lutions mixing in a Y-type symmetric microreactor. The mixing zone is arranged for discovery of con-vection potential. We consider both variants of chemically inert and chemically active systems. A model reaction is represented by a rapid acid-base neutralization reaction. The theoretical model com-prises the 3D Navier-Stokes equation and the reac-tants transfer equation (written with account for non-linear diffusion). Experimental and numerical results have been compared. The dependency for the effec-tive mixing length on the instability type and sol-vents flow rates was found.