Numerical simulation for evolution of local disturbances generated by two synchronous distant sources in a supersonic boundary layer
A.A. Yatskikh, L.V. Afanasiev
1Khristianovich Institute of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia 2Khristianovich Institute of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics SB RAS, Novosibirsk,Russia
Keywords: supersonic boundary layer, numerical simulation, local disturbance, laminar-turbulent transfer
The paper presents results of numerical simulation for development of localized disturbances emerging from a single source or double synchronous sources in a laminar boundary disturbances at the plate with the flow with the Mach number М = 2 (variants for different distances between sources). Simulation was performed using the FlowVision software complex at the parameters typical for T-324 wind tunnel (developed by ITAM SB RAS). The problem was studied in the range of linear development of disturbance. The study demonstrates that, depending on the distance between the sources, the generated disturbances might either enhance or decay in the downstream flow. The frequency-wavelet analysis of disturbance structure was performed. Two distanced local synchronous sources generate the disturbances with wavelet spectra: these spectra exhibits nodes and crests; their positions depend on the distances between two sources.