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Thermophysics and Aeromechanics

2022 year, number 6

Modeling of air blowing control on an axisymmetric body in a low-velocity gas flow

V.I. Kornilov, A.N. Popkov
Khristianovich Institute of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia
Keywords: boundary layer control, turbulent boundary layer, distributed blowing, axisymmetric body, perforated surface, friction


Results of experimental and numerical studies of the properties of a turbulent boundary layer modified with a control action in the form of distributed air blowing through a high-technology perforated wall are presented. The wall is part of the surface of an elongated axisymmetric body in a low-velocity gas flow. The Reynolds number Re** based on the momentum thickness δ** ahead of the perforated region formed by holes 0.14 mm in diameter with microchannels with a small aspect ratio is 2660. The area-averaged blowing coefficient Cb varies in the interval 0 - 0.00885. As the streamwise coordinate increases up to the distance 550δ** from the blowing region, the local friction is seen to decrease consistently; the greatest value of the local friction is 64% directly in the blowing region in the case of the maximum blowing intensity.