Study of thermal efficiency of a wall gas screen injected through the holes in the transverse trench
M.A. Pakhomov, M.V. Filippov, I.A. Chokhar, V.I. Terekhov
Kutateladze Institute of Thermophysics SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia
Keywords: wall gas screen, thermal efficiency, injection through cylindrical holes, transverse trench
We present the experimental results on the thermal efficiency in a wall gas screen injected through inclined cylindrical holes along a smooth surface, and when a secondary flow is blown through cylindrical holes into a transverse trench. The thermal efficiency fields of the wall screen were measured using an infrared camera. In the case of blowing into a trench, the experimental data are characterized by an insignificant influence of the injection parameter on the thermal efficiency of the wall screen for all the trenches under study. It has been established that an increase in the trench depth leads to an increase in the thermal efficiency of the wall gas screen. The maximum increase in thermal efficiency is achieved for a trench with relative depth h/d = 0.94 . The data of the measurements presented are compared with the experimental and numerical results of other authors for the cases of injecting through the holes into a transverse trench.