Nataliya K. Kovtonyuk, Anastasiya A. Petruk, Irina V. Han, Ekaterina A. Pinzhenina
Central Siberian Botanical Garden, SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia
Keywords: L.V. Bardunov, CSBG SB RAS Digital herbarium, biodiversity, Primula cortusoides, Megadenia bardunovii, Сorispermum bardunovii, Mannagettaea ircutensis
The article is dedicated to the memory of L.V. Bardunov. In 2022, the 90th anniversary from birth of the famous Russian bryologist, florist, Doctor of Biological Sciences, professor, Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation Leonid Vladimirovich Bardunov (1932-2008) was celebrated. L.V. Bardunov made a great contribution to the study of plant biodiversity in North Asia. L.V. Bardunov collected the unique herbarium specimens. Digital copies of 828 specimens collected personally by L.V. Bardunov, or together with M.G. Popov, L.I. Malyshev and other collectors, are placed in the CSBS SB RAS Digital herbarium ( The herbarium specimens are stored in NSK and NS herbarium collections (USU_440537). Each digitized sample is provided with a unique barcode with the acronym of the herbarium collection and a 7-digit serial number. Digitization was carried out according to the international standards at an optical resolution of 600 dpi, accompanied by a color scale and a scale ruler on ObjectScan 1600 scanners, using specialized programs ScanWizard Botany and MiVapp Botany (Microtek). The advanced search for information in the CSBG SB RAS digital herbarium is possible in 9 fields (country, administrative region, habitat, barcode of the herbarium sample, collector, family name, genus name, species name and date of collection). According to L.V. Bardunov’s herbarium specimens, several species of mosses and vascular plants were described. Vascular plants Megadenia bardunovii Popov (Brassicaceae) and Сorispermum bardunovii Popov ex Lomon. (Amaranthaceae Juss.) are named after him. The typification of the name Сorispermum bardunovii was carried out in accordance with the Articles of ICN. This publication is dedicated to the memory of L.V. Bardunov.