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Advanced Search

Numerical Analysis and Applications

2022 year, number 4

Experimental study of some solvers of 3D bounry subproblems on the regular subgrids of quasi-structured parallelepipel meshes

Il.A. Klimonov1, V.M. Sveshnikov2
1Novosibirsk State University, Novosibirsk, Russia
2Institute of Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Geophysics of Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences, Novosibirsk, Russia
Keywords: regular subgrids of quasi-structured grids, bounry value problem solvers, direct methods, iterative methods, experimental research


An experimental study of the efficiency of 3D bounry value problem solvers on the regular subgrids of quasi-structured parallelepipel grids has been carried out. Five solvers are considered: three iterative: the successive over-relaxation method, the implicit alternating direction method, the implicit incomplete factorization method with acceleration by conjugate gradients, as well as two direct methods: PARDISO and HEMHOLTZ - both from the Intel MKL library. The characteristic features of the conducted research are the following: 1) the subgrids contain a small number of nodes; 2) the efficiency is estimated not only for single calculations, but also mainly for a series of calculations, in each of which a large number of repetitions of solving the problem with different bounry conditions on the same same subgrid. On the basis of numerical experiments, the fastest solver under the given conditions was revealed, which turned out to be the method of successive over-relaxation method.