Reducing Negative Impacts of Dormant Pyrite Copper Ore Mine on the Geosphere in the Urals
L. S. Rybnikova, P. A. Rybnikov, V. Yu. Navolokina
Institute of Mining, Ural Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences, Yekaterinburg, 620219 Russia
Keywords: Hydrosphere, pyrite copper ore deposit, impurities, acidic mine water, AeroTank, radial settling tank, cascade ponds
Methods proposed for mine water treatment use different advanced equipment such as aerators and circular settling tanks which ensure increase in pH and decrease in impurity concentrations by 10-50 times. Passive mine water treatment uses small cascade ponds, which enables additional purification of water due to deceleration in water flow velocity and because of the longer time of interaction between impurities and reagents. The reconstruction of the existing system of three treatment stages can reduce pollution of surface and ground water, which brings essential improvement of ecology and minimizes damage caused to the hydrosphere.