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Journal of Mining Sciences

2022 year, number 3

Remote Evaluation of Hydrocarbon Reservoir Productivity under Big Noisiness

I. Ya. Chebotareva
Institute of Oil and Gas Problems, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, 119333 Russia
Keywords: Seismic background, rocks, oil, gas, seismic emission, Klimontovich entropy, thermodynamic indicator


The author proposes an eco-friendly method for the remote evaluation of productivity of hydrocarbon reservoirs using records of the natural seismicity background of the Earth. The evaluation uses the thermodynamic indicator of rock mass quality based on the Klimontovich entropy. The latter is a correct measure of disequilibrium of open systems and can be measured from the ratio of chaotic character and orderliness of vibrations generated by the system. The thermodynamic indicator obeys the linear dependence on the total thickness of productive beds in boreholes. The big natural and induced noise may distort the distance evaluation. The new algorithm is high-amplitude noise resistant. The thermodynamic indicator ensures productivity mapping of hydrocarbon reservoirs and enables selecting the most promising drilling sites.