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Atmospheric and Oceanic Optics

2022 year, number 6

Long-term variability of the composition of near-surface aerosol in deserted and arid zones of the south of Russia

D.P. Gubanova1, O.G. Chkhetiani1, T.M. Kuderina2, M.A. Iordanskii1, L.O. Maksimenkov1, M.S. Artamonova1
1A.M. Obukhov Institute of Atmospheric Physics Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia
2Institute of Geography RAS, Moscow, Russia
Keywords: semiarid zone, south of the ETR, near-surface aerosol, mass concentration, particle size distribution function, elemental composition, meteorological conditions, synoptic situation, long-term variability


The results of long-term (2007-2021) complex experimental studies of microphysical parameters, mass concentration and elemental composition of aerosol particles in the surface air layer of semiarid zones in the south of European Russia are presented. Background values of the daily average mass concentration of near-surface aerosols in the deserted areas of Kalmykia and dry-steppe zone of Rostov region are estimated for the hot summer period: 125 and 34 mg/m3, respectively. The particle size distribution functions typical for atmospheric aerosols of the regions under study are determined. The processes of aerosol particle removal are studied in connection with the main atmospheric processes. Insignificant variations in the mass concentration of only Cd, Hg, and Cu are revealed in aerosols in Rostov region. The elemental composition of Kalmykia aerosols is more variable in both natural and man-made elements, mainly in chemical elements of salt balance and heavy metals. It is shown that most elements are weakly accumulated in aerosols, and their differentiation depends more on the mosaic of the underlying surface. During the long-term period under study, a trend toward purifying the deserted territories of the south of European Russia from harmful atmospheric impurities is found, presumably as a result of reducing climate aridization and/or anthropogenic effect.