Genotoxic effect of unused and banned pesticides on the body of cattle kept on the territory of South Kazakhstan
A. A. Kornilova1, R. Zh. Zhapbasov2, A. M. Zhomartov2, A. K. Sibataev1,3, D. A. Begimbetova4, B. O. Bekmanov2
1Eurasian National University named after L. N. Gumilyov, Nur-Sultan, Kazakhstan 2Institute of Genetics and Physiology, Almaty, Kazakhstan 3National Research Tomsk State University, Tomsk, Russia 4National Laboratory Astana of Nazarbayev University, Nur-Sultan, Kazakhstan
Keywords: cattle, pesticides, peripheral blood lymphocytes, chromosomal aberrations, genomic mutations, cytogenetic method, micronucleus
On the territory of South Kazakhstan (Almaty region) there are old abandoned warehouses with prohibited and unused pesticides, the active substances and metabolites of which pollute natural water sources and pastures of farm animals located nearby. The analysis of blood samples of 50 heads of cattle from five monitoring points of the Almaty region was carried out for the presence of micronucleus in erythrocytes, genomic mutations and chromosomal aberrations in lymphocytes. Cell cultivation and preparation of preparations were carried out by standard cytogenetic methods. The frequency of erythrocytes with micronucleus in cattle kept in experimental plots was 3.3 %, which is 4.7 times higher than in the control group. The incidence of genomic mutations in the blood system of experimental groups of animals exceeded the same indicator in the control group by an average of 1.6 times, and chromosomal aberrations - by 9.1 times. The proportion of hypodiploid cells was 46 % of the total number of genomic mutations. Polyploidy accounted for up to 17 %, and hyperdiploidy was found in 5 % of cells. Analysis of individual indicators of general cytogenetic instability in the blood system of animals showed that hyperdiploidy and chromosomal aberrations are the main components of this indicator, which, on average for five monitoring sites, exceeded the control data by 7.9 times. Statistical data processing allows us to make a conclusion about the genotoxic effect of prohibited and unused pesticides on the body of cattle, which have clastogenic, aneugene and mutagenic effects even after 30 years.