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Contemporary Problems of Ecology

2022 year, number 2

Changes in size-morphological structure of bacterioplankton in freshwater environments of svalbard

E. V. Kuznetsova1,2, D. B. Kosolapov1, A. V. Krylov1
1Papanin Institute of Inland Water Biology of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Borok, Russia
2“AquaBioSafe” Laboratory, Tyumen State University, Tyumen, Russia
Keywords: heterotrophic bacterioplankton, spatial distribution, size-morphological structure, freshwater environments, Svalbard


The abundance, biomass, and size-morphological structure of heterotrophic bacterioplankton were determined in freshwater environments of the Svalbard archipelago (Norway), differing in morphometry and trophic level. The quantitative parameters of bacterioplankton varied within wide limits and increased along the trophic gradient of the waters. Medium-sized cocci and coccobacilli reached up to one third of the total abundance and a half of the total biomass of bacterioplankton. The abundance and biomass of small cocci varied over a wide range, while small rods were, on the contrary, relatively stable in these parameters. With an increase in trophic status, the proportion of small cocci in the community increased, while the proportion of rods and vibrios decreased. The proportion of medium-sized cocci and coccobacilli changed less, although there was a tendency for its increase in the trophic gradient.