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Flora and Vegetation of Asian Russia

2022 year, number 1


T.A. Sokolova
Southern Scientific Center RAS, Rostov-on-Don, Russia
Keywords: oak forests of the steppe basin of the Don River, syntaxonomy, union Aceri campestris-Quercion roboris


The paper presents the results of long-term studies of the vegetation of bayrachny oak forests in the south of the European part of Russia (Volgograd, Voronezh, Rostov regions). Based on a large amount of factual material (more than 1150 geobotanical descriptions, including 777 descriptions by G.M. Zozulin), a floristic classification of mesophytic oak forest communities in the region, which are attributed to the alliance Aceri campestris-Quercion roboris Bulokhov et Solomeshch in Bulokhov et Semenishchenkov 2015, was carried out using the Braun-Blanquet method (1964). For a long time, the forests of the south of the European part of the country, due to little study, belonged to the alliance Aceri tatarici-Quercion Zólyomy 1957. New data (Goncharenko et al., 2020; Sokolova, Ermolaeva, 2021) made it possible to clarify their position in the classification system of forest vegetation in Russia. A new association was installed Ulmo minoris-Fraxinetum excelsioris ass. nov. hoc loco and the new suballiance Ulmo minoris-Fraxinenion excelsioris suball. nov. hoc loco in the alliance Aceri campestris-Quercion roboris. The new syntaxons are transitional forest communities with features of the Carpino-Fagetea Jakucs ex Passarge 1968 and Quercetea pubescentis Doing-Kraft ex Scamoni et Passarge 1959 classes. Their distinctive feature is the presence of both non-moral phagetals: Adoxa moschatellina, Aegopodium podagraria, Asarum europaeum, Campanula trachelium, Corylus avellana, Lathyrus vernus, Milium effusum, Pulmonaria obscura, Viola mirabilis, etc., and species with circumpontic distribution: Arum elongatum, Dentaria quinquefolia, Laser trilobum, Lysimachia verticillaris, Physospermum cornubiense, Scilla sibirica, Symphytum tauricum, Veronica umbrosa, Vincetoxicum scandens, which are characteristic of the recently isolated alliance Scutellario altissimae-Quercion roboris Goncharenko et al. 2020, which unites the subxerophilic oak forests of Ukraine and southern Russia, found in the steppe zone and the southern part of the forest-steppe zone. The ideas about the area of the alliance Aceri campestris-Quercion roboris, which has expanded beyond the forest-steppe zone to the central regions of the Rostov region, have been expanded.