2012 year, number 1
N.A. Zauzolkova
Katanov Khakass State University, 655000, Republic of Khakasia, Abakan, Lenin str., 90 nata1132@yandex.ru
Keywords: basidiomycete macromycetes, forest-steppe zone, South Minusinsk hollow
Abstract >>
In the article is resulted a list of 209 species of basidiomycete macromycetes, discovered in various forest-steppe communities
on the territory of the forest-steppe zone of the eastern part of the South Minusinsk hollow (Minusinsk area,
Krasnoyarsk region), with the information on their occurrence in various vegetative communities and on their vegetation
I.A. Gorbunova
Central Siberian Botanical Garden, SB RAS, 630090, Novosibirsk, Zolotodolinskaya str., 101 fungi2304@gmail.com
Keywords: Melanophyllum, Cystolepiota, Lepiota, Agaricus, mycofl oristic records, nemoral species, Novosibirsk region, West Siberia
Abstract >>
Th e data on three nemoral species newly revealed in the mycobiota of Siberia are presented. Th e article discusses the
morphology, ecology and distribution of Melanophyllum eyrei (Massee) Singer, Cystolepiota bucknallii (Berk. et
Broome) Singer et Clemencon, Lepiota grangei (Eyre) J.E. Lange in Siberia, Russia, in the world. Th e information
about new locations and distribution of Agaricus xanthodermus Genev. are presented.
J.F. Pivovarova, L.V. Factorovich, A.G. Blagodatnova
Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University, Botany and Ecology Chair, 630126, Novosibirsk, Viluiskaya str., 28 pivovarova_ngpu@bk.ru
Keywords: soil algae, taxonomic structure, primary substrate
Abstract >>
Th e taxonomic structures of groupings of soil photoautotrophs (algae) primary substrate formed in the various
geographical area is investigated. Th e general tendencies of taxonomic structure of algal groupings dry high-water
bed of Tuva, alluvial sand in career on the bank of the river Ob and hard rock of the Tien Shan are revealed.
I.A. Kreshchenok1, S.V. Nesterova2
11Amur Branch of Botanical Garden-Institute, Far East Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences, 675000, Blagoveshchensk, 2 km of Ignatevskaya Line garden@ascnet.ru, ikreshhenok@yandex.ru 2Botanical Garden-Institute, Far Eastern Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences, 690024, Vladivostok, Makovskogo str., 142 offi ce@bgi.dvo.ru, svnesterova@rambler.ru
Keywords: cryopreservation, spores, ferns, liquid nitrogen, Russian Far East
Abstract >>
Th e results of research of cryopreservation of spores 12 species of ferns are presented. Th e cryopreservation is a
perspective method of long-term storage of spores of studied species ferns.
I.Yu. Selyutina1, D.V. Sandanov2
1Central Siberian Botanical Garden, SB RAS, 630090, Novosibirsk, Zolotodolinskaya str., 101 inessa1672@rambler.ru 2Institute of General and Experimental Biology, SB RAS, 670047, Ulan-Ude, Sakhyanovoi str., 6 denis.sandanov@gmail.com
Keywords: Gueldenstaedtia verna, ontogeny, biomorphology, perennial herb, monocentric biomorph, caudex
Abstract >>
Th e ontogeny of Gueldenstaedtia verna (the rare species of Eastern Asia fl oristic region) was studied and the life-form
of this species was described. Th e ontogeny duration is more than 35 years. Four periods and nine ontogenic stages
are distinguished.
O.V. Kotsupiy, E.P. Кhramova, G.I. Vysochina
Central Siberian Botanical Garden, SB RAS, 630090, Novosibirsk, Zolotodolinskaya str., 101 olnevaster@gmail.com
Keywords: morphology, areas, chemotaxonomy, aglycons of fl avonol, Astragalus L
Abstract >>
Morphology, areas, composition and content of the fl avonoid aglycons have been studied in A. adsurgens Pallas,
A. austrosibiricus Schischkin, A. inopinatus Boriss. and A. onobrychis L. of the section Onobrychium Bunge of the
genus Astragalus L. Quercetin and kaempferol were found in composition of the aglycons in A. adsurgens; quercetin,
kaempferol, isorhamnetin and rhamnocitrin − in the other species of the section. Th e ratio quercetin/kaempferol in
A. adsurgens correlates with diagnostic characters - short bracts and teeth of the calyx. In A. austrosibiricus and
A. inopinatus correlation between of their diagnostic characters is weak, there are no in the composition of the fl avonoid
aglycons and quantitative relationship. A. onobrychis has an aglycon ratio distinct from other species and clearcut
morphological characters.
E.A. Balde
Central Siberian Botanical Garden, SB RAS, 630090, Novosibirsk, Zolotodolinskaya str., 101 baldk21@ngs.ru
Keywords: Rubiaceae, Galium, section Galium, fragmocarp, surface of mericarp, sculpture of pericarp
Abstract >>
The results of detailed SEM study of mericarp morphology and surface of Galium verum, G. wirtgenii, G. ruthenicum, G. densifl orum species of the typical section оf the genus Galium (Rubiaceae) are presented. Species G. verum and
G. wirtgenii have glabrate surface of mericarp, G. ruthenicum, G. densifl orum have bristly surface of mericarp. Identical netted pericarp sculpture for all species shows their relationship.
E.N. Kaygorodova, O.V. Dorogina, T.V. Elisafenko
Central Siberian Botanical Garden, SB RAS, 630090, Novosibirsk, Zolotodolinskaya str., 101 global@ngs.ru
Keywords: Iridaceae, Iris, seed surface of coat structure, morphology features
Abstract >>
Morphology features and seed surface of coat structure of the genus Iris L. were examined using the scaning electron
microscope. In seeds of I. humilis present well expressed aril, in seeds of I. tigridia and I. potaninii it is poorly formed
but for seeds of I. glaucescens it was absent. Treatment of steam I. glaucescens seeds having of thik cuticle led to the
elimination of cuticle.
E.Yu. Zykova
Central Siberian Botanical Garden, SB RAS, 630090, Novosibirsk, Zolotodolinskaya str., 101 e-mail: elena.yu.zykova@gmail.com
Keywords: Altai, adventives species, fl oristic fi ndings
Abstract >>
It is reported on the distribution of new for the Altai Republic species: Vicia hirsuta, Sinapis alba, Senecio vulgaris,
Solidago canadensis, Xanthium albinum, as well as the rare for Altai species: Brassica napus, Raphanus sativus,
Thladiantha dubia, Centaurea pseudomaculosa, Lapsana communis. It is noted that active distribution and
naturalization of Sisymbrium offi cinale and Lactuca serriola take place in the northern parts of the Altai Republic.
K.Sh. Tozhibaev, F.I. Karimov
Uzbek Academy of Sciences, Scientifi c Centre of Plant Production Botanika, Republic of Uzbekistan, 700125, Tashkent, F. Khodjaev str., 32 botany@uzsci.net
Keywords: Fergana valley, endemic, geophytes, monocotyledonous, province, district, vegetation
Abstract >>
In this article the data on 45 endemic and subendemic geophytes of Ferghana valley fl ora is given. Type, habitat and
distribution for any of them are given.
I.A. Artemov
Central Siberian Botanical Garden, SB RAS, 630090, Novosibirsk, Zolotodolinskaya str., 101 Artemov_1@mail.ru
Keywords: Important Plant Areas, Tuva Republic, endangered species, endemic species
Abstract >>
A list of protected and endemic species qualifying the Important Plant Areas (IPA) of the Tuva Republic was compiled.
A database of herbarium specimens and coordinates of their locations for these species was developed. By means of
the database supplemented lists of protected and endemic species for the previously singled out Tuvinian IPA are
compiled, representativeness of the IPA in respect of the given species was estimated, new IPA were proposed.
A.A. Petruk
Central Siberian Botanical Garden, SB RAS, 630090, Novosibirsk, Zolotodolinskaya str., 101, Russia pet.a@mail.ru
Keywords: Salicaceae, Salix, fl avonoids, tannins
Abstract >>
In this study we determined the concentration of fl avonoids and tannins in Salix alba, S. alba var. vitellina, and
S. alba S. blanda. Th e highest concentrations of these compounds were observed in leaves. In infl orescences, the
concentration of fl avonoids and tannins is at maximum during the full bloom; in leaves, during the phase of active
growth and in the end of the vegetation period before defoliation.
D.S. Kruglov1, S.V. Ovchinnikova2
1Novosibirsk State Medical University, 630091, Novosibirsk, Krasny Prosp., 52 kruglov_DS@mail.ru 2Central Siberian Botanical Garden, SB RAS, 630090, Novosibirsk, Zolotodolinskaya str., 101 sv-ovchin@yandex.ru
Keywords: Boraginaceae, elements content, mass-spectroscopy, clade analysis, chemosystematics
Abstract >>
Th e concentration of 59 macro- and microelements in herbs of 55 species, 34 genera, 13 tribes and 3 subfamilies of
family Boraginaceae from diff erent habitats had been determined. Th e eff ectiveness of clade analysis using for study
of elements content in plants of Boraginaceae for the purpose of chemosystematics was established. Th e dependence
of content of biogenous and abiogenous elements from taxonomical position of species was established. Evolutionary
age and phylogenetic connections render the biggest infl uence for microelements spectrum as had been showed. Th e
hypothesis about existence of genetically determining of plant elements homeostasis has been spoken out.
M.Yu. Telyatnikov, S.A. Prystyazhnyuk
Central Siberian Botanical Garden, SB RAS, 630090, Novosibirsk, Zolotodolinskaya str., 101 arct-alp@rambler.ru
Keywords: classifi cation, vegetation, tundra zone, Subarctic Region, cryophitic meadows, Yamal Peninsula, foothills of Polar Ural Mountains, altitudinal
Abstract >>
Intrazonal grass vegetation of the territory of research is presented by two groups of plant communities. Communities
of short-grass cryophitic meadows are presented by three new associations (Cerastio maximi-Salicetum nummulariae
ass. nova hoc loco, Antennario lanatae-Arctoetum alpinae ass. nova hoc loco and Diantho repentis-Festucetum ovinae
ass. nova hoc loco) which belongs to new alliance Oxytropido sordidae-Tanacetion bipinnati all. nova hoc loco.
Subarctic meadows are presented by one new association (Polemonio acutifl ori-Veratretum lobeliani acc. nova hoc
loco) which is included in new alliance Polemonio acutifl ori-Veratrion lobeliani all. nova hoc loco.
A.M. Omelko, O.N. Ukhvatkina
State Institute of Biology and Soil Science, Far Eastern Branch of Russian Academy of Science, 690022, Vladivostok, Stoletiya str., 159 ibss@eastnet.febras.ru
Keywords: mixed, coniferous-broadleaved forest, structure, gap-dynamic, dendrochronology, regeneration, pattern
Abstract >>
Analysis of vertical and horizontal stand structure and stand disturbance history (minor releases revealed) is performed.
Based on the analyses results we found out special gap-dynamic form, which can be one of the main factors causing
complex mosaic stand structure of coniferous-broadleaved stand of the Russian Far East.
O.A. Muhina
State Research Establishment Lisavenko Research Institute of Horticultural for Siberia of the Russian Academy of Agricultural Sciences, 656045, Barnaul, Zmeinogorskiy trakt, 49 niilisavenko@hotbox.ru
Keywords: introduction, lily, species, winter-resistance, blossoming, bearing
Abstract >>
Winter-resistance, growth and development rhythms, morphological characters, peculiarities of propagation of three Far-
East lily species in conditions of the Altai Territory, entered into the Red book of the Russian Federation, were studied.
T.N. Vstovskaya
Central Siberian Botanical Garden, SB RAS, 630090, Novosibirsk, Zolotodolinskaya str., 101 ttvvsstt@ngs.ru
Keywords: Betula, form, crown, leaves
Abstract >>
Twenty one species of birch are promising for introduction in Siberia. Based on literature and Russian and foreign
web-based information on woody plants in only 9 species 126 forms of interest for urban plantings and park garden
design have been revealed. Th eir ornamental and ecological characteristics were analyzed.