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Journal of Applied Mechanics and Technical Physics

2022 year, number 1

Evolution of the Bed Forms Produced by Purified Turbulent Flow over a Non-Cohesive Bottom

K. S. Koroleva, I. I. Potapov
Computing Center FEB RAS, Khabarovsk, 680000, Russia
Keywords: channel processes, bed deformations, bed-load sediments, bed erosion, bed waves, wave packet


This paper considers the problem of purified turbulent flow over an erodible bed. A mathematical model of the problem is proposed which includes the Reynolds equations and transport equations for turbulent kinetic energy and turbulence dissipation. The bed surface evolution is described using the bed deformation equation and the original analytical model of bed-load sediment transport. An algorithm based on the control volume method is proposed for solving the problem. Numerical solution of the problem shows that when the bed is eroded by a purified flow, a wave packet of low-steepness bed waves is formed. It is also shown that the velocity of bed waves obtained by the numerical solution is in good agreement with the velocity of bed waves calculated by asymptotic analytical formula.