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Journal of Applied Mechanics and Technical Physics

2022 year, number 1

Device for Creating a Pressure Differential using Differential Pumping

E. V. Domarov, Yu. I. Golubenko, N. K. Kuksanov, R. A. Salimov, S. N. Fadeev, I. K. Chakin
Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics, Siberian Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences, Novosibirsk, 630090, Russia
Keywords: differential pumping, extraction device, electron accelerator


The paper describes the design of an electron extraction device using differential pumping. An assessment of the vacuum conditions for the transition from the viscous to the molecular regime is considered, which makes it possible to confirm the correctness of the choice of the parameters of the differential pumping system, which makes it possible to confirm the correctness of the choice of the parameters of the differential pumping system. The problem of heat removal from differential pumping diaphragms in a compact all-metal body of the extraction device.