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Journal of Mining Sciences

2021 year, number 6

Radiation Properties of Coal and Barren Rocks: Geotechnical Applications

S. M. Nikitenko, Yu. F. Patrakov, M. S. Nikitenko, S. A. Kizilov, Yu. A. Kharlampenkova
Federal Research Center for Coal and Coal Chemistry, Siberian Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences, Kemerovo, Russia
Keywords: radiation properties, gamma-radiation, gamma-method, nuclear geophysics method, coal, barren rocks, mining technology, longwall top coal caving, coal flow to AFC, coal-barren rock interface


The article presents the studies into accumulation, distribution patterns and concentration conditions of radioactive elements in natural coal. The distribution patterns of radioactive elements in coal as function of its grade are also found. The application range of radiation properties of coal and barren rocks is substantiated for identifying the coal-barren rocks interface in longwall top coal caving with gravity coal flow to AFC. The working capacity of the nuclear geophysics method with metallic shielding of a responsive indicator is proved experimentally.