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Journal of Mining Sciences

2021 year, number 6

Digital Twin of Solid Mineral Deposit

O. V. Nagovitsyn, A. V. Stepacheva
Mining Institute, Kola Science Center, Russian Academy of Sciences, Apatity, Russia
Keywords: digital twin, solid mineral deposit, digital transformation, MINEFRAME, mining and geological information system, geological modeling


In view of rapid digitalization in the mining business, the authors highlight some associate problems. The definition of a digital twin is explained, and the difference of a digital twin of a solid mineral deposit from the other digital twins in the industry is described. The key function of a digital twin of a mineral deposit consists in updating of the deposit representation and in the use of the updated data in reasoned decision-making concerning mining development. A digital twin is formed using a set of automation tools. The mining and geological information system MINEFRAME integrates and structures the geology and geotechnology data a solid mineral mining in a unified digital space and, thereby, generates a mining plan based on the actual geological information. The methods of geological and geotechnical modeling, including digital twins, enable enhancement of occupational safety and optimization of mining strategy.