Assessment of the Mineral and Amino Acid Composition of the Vegetative Parts of Chamerion аngustifolium L. Growing in a Non-polluted Area of the Magadan Region
Scientific Research Center "Arktika" Far Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Magadan, Russia
Keywords: Chamerion аngustifolium L, chemical elements, amino acids, daily requirement, northern territory
Pages: 707-713
In order to specify region-related mineral and amino acid contents in the vegetative parts of Chamerion angustifolium L . , called Ivan-Chai in Russia, growing in non-polluted environments within the Magadan Region, we analyzed the content of twenty-five chemical elements and sixteen amino acids in dry raw material (leaves) and solution (decoction). Heavy metal concentrations were found to be within permissible values. It was revealed that this species from the Kolyma area is especially valuable because its fermented leaves accumulate vitally important elements: calcium, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, manganese, iron, copper, boron, silicon, cobalt, and it is able to meet in different extents the daily requirements of adults for these elements. The lower content of cobalt, selenium and zinc in this plant raw material in comparison with the material from other regions depicts the biogeochemical features of the northern territory. The concentrations of all the studied amino acids in Ch. angustifolium from the Magadan Region were determined to be higher than in the vegetative parts of this plant collected in the Krasnoyarsk Region. We have confirmed the opinion of a number of other authors that Ch. angustifolium is a useful prophylactic and biologically active remedy, which is able to prevent an insignificant deficit of some vital elements and may be used as a mineral dietary supplement for people of any age.
DOI: 10.15372/CSD2021352