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Journal of Mining Sciences

2021 year, number 5


O. E. Gorlova, N. L. Medyanik, O. A. Mishurina, E. R. Mullina
Nosov Magnitogorsk State Technical University, Magnitogorsk, Russia
Keywords: Complex copper-bearing ore, mixed-type technology, flotation, leaching, ammonium sulfate, process parameters


The article describes the studies into sulphide extraction from ore using an integration of flotation and oxidized copper leaching in the conditions of milling with nonacid complexing agent-ammonium sulfate, and adsorption-electrolytic recovery of copper from pregnant highly mineralized copper-bearing solutions. The thermodynamic function of products of interaction of between the base copper minerals and the yield of the hydrolysis ammonium sulfate solutions. The mechanism of sulfate ammonium leaching of oxidized copper minerals in joint mechanical-thermal activation treatment is proposed. The tests on treatment of low-grade complex copper-bearing ore from stockpiles by combination of chemical and electrochemical methods and on the mixed-type flotation-hydrometallurgical processing technology of complex copper-bearing ore were carried out.