2015 year, number 3
Yu.V. Naumenko
Central Siberian Botanical Garden, SB RAS, 630090, Novosibirsk, Zolotodolinskaya str., 101 Naumenko55@ngs.ru
Keywords: водоросли, альгофлора, водопад, Текту, Горный Алтай, Algae, algal flora, waterfall, Tektu, Altai Mountains
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Preliminary data on algae of the Tektu River and the waterfall “Shirlak” located on it (the Altai Republic) are given. Algal flora is represented by 63 species (73 specific and intraspecific taxa) from 6 divisions and 29 genera. Ecological and geographical characteristics (geographical distribution, location, salt and pH water reactions and saprobity) are indicated for each species.
T.V. Makryi
Central Siberian Botanical Garden, SB RAS, 630090, Novosibirsk, Zolotodolinskaya str., 101 makry@nsu.ru
Keywords: лишайники, Endocarpon crystallinum, редкие виды, степные экотопы, Приольхонье, lichens, Endocarpon crystallinum, rare species, steppe ecotopes, Priolkhonie
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Description and distribution of new for Russia species Endocarpon crystallinum J.C. Wei et Jun Yang, known from the deserts of North China and found on the western coast of Baikal Lake in steppe ecotopes on calcareous soil in crevices of limestone rocks and among stones are reported. The species is characterized by a thick epinecral layer, which looks like big whitish pyramidal crystals, maintaining a lamellar, cellular structure, formed by necrotic cortical cells with thick walls; by thick exciple, light in the inner part and brown-black in the outer part; by the absence of true lower cortex, but by the presence of a layer of closely parked spherical medullary cells with brown-black pigmented walls, and by the presence of brown-black rhizohyphal prothallus (weft) and rhizohyphal bundles (not true rhizines). Several rare species, Heppia echinulata Marton et Galun, H. solorinoides (Nyl.) Nyl., Psora in digirkae Timdal et Zurb., Toninia lutosa (Ach.) Timdal, Solorinella asteriscus Anzi and others inhabit together with Endocarpon crystallinum the same ecotopes.
G.K. Zvereva
Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University, 630126, Novosibirsk, Vilyujsky str., 28 labsp@ngs.ru
Keywords: Pinaceae, Pseudotsuga, Abies, хвоя, мезофилл, ячеистые клетки, структурная организация мезофилла, Pinaceae, Pseudotsuga, Abies, needles, mesophyll, cellular cells, structural organization of mesophyll
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Comparative research of the cell organization of mesophyll in the needles of Pseudotsuga menziesii and 2 Abies species was carried out. Basic spatial shapes of assimilatory cells are distinguished. The system of the mesophyll cell arrangement within leaf space is described. Characteristic features in the structure of needle mesophyll in Pseudotsuga menziesii and 2 Abies species are revealed. It is shown, that at Abies concolor and A. sibirica needles chlorenchyma consists of large cells of the simple form, in mesophyll of leaves Pseudotsuga menziesii oft en enough there are the cells of complex cellular and cellular-spongy form consisting mainly from two, is much rarer - from 3-4 sections.
A.Yu. Bocharov, D.A. Savchuk
Institute of Monitoring of Climatic and Ecological Systems, SB RAS, 634055, Tomsk, Academichesky prosp., 10/3 bochar74@mail.ru
Keywords: Larix sibirica, возрастная структура, радиальный прирост, верхняя и нижняя границы, Северо-Чуйский хребет, Горный Алтай, Larix sibirica, age structure, radial growth, upper and lower forest lines, Severo-Chuisky Range, Altai Mountains
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At the upper (forests near the high altitudinal tundra) and lower (forests near the Kuraisky steppe) limits of Siberian larch ( Larix sibirica Ledeb.) on the Severo-Chuisky Range (the Altai Mointains) the age structure of larch stands was described and the correlations between tree ring width chronologies and month temperature and precipitation sequences were analyzed. The new larch generations appeared during the century and decadal periods of temperature rise.
D.V. Sandanov, B.B. Naidanov
Institute of General and Experimental Biology, SB RAS, 670047, Ulan-Ude, Sakhyanovoi str., 6, Republic of Buryatia denis.sandanov@gmail.com
Keywords: восточно-азиатские виды растений, ареалы, климатические и биотические факторы, изменение климата, климатические сценарии, East-Asian plant species, plants distribution, climatic and biotic factors, climate change, climate scenarios
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Features of distribution of model East-Asian species Astragalus membranaceus , Gueldenstaedtia verna , Sсutellaria baicalensis , Sophora fl avescens have been studied. Prediction maps for each species under study have been composed. Modeling with using Maxent approach revealed that the spatial distribution of studied species is infl uenced by the complex of factors connected with mean parameters of temperature. Prediction maps for modeled climate change scenario showed the individual response for each species. Generally, obtained results didn’t reveal the potential decrease of East-Asian species distribution according to moderate climate scenario. Scenario with high increasing of atmospheric CO
2 concentrations showed the possible decreasing of plant distribution.
S.V. Dudov1,2
1Lomonosov Moscow State University, 119991, Moscow, Leninskie Gory serg.dudov@gmail.com 2GSP-1 Zeya Nature Reserve, 676246, Amur oblast, Zeya, Stroitelnaya str., 71, Russia
Keywords: картографирование, структура растительного покрова, высокогорья, хр. Тукурингра, vegetation mapping, structure of vegetation cover, alpine ecosystems, Tukuringra Range
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Based on original field data alpine vegetation classification and legend of vegetation map were developed. On basis on ultrahigh resolution satellite imagery vegetation map was drawn up. Mapping units are both homo- and heterogeneous. Ratio of forming components were calculated. Five types of vegetation combinations were distinguished. All of them were caused by physical processed. Upper tree line only one subalpine altitudinal vegetation belt are characterized for Tukuringra mountain Range. There are three altitudinal-climatic stripes: sparse birch woodlands, Pinus pumila communities and mountain tundra’s.
M.Yu. Telyatnikov
Central Siberian Botanical Garden, SB RAS arct-alp@rambler.ru
Keywords: синтаксономия, высокогорная растительность, тундры, альпийские луга, подгольцовые редколесья, Восточный Саян, syntaxonomy, high mountain vegetation, tundra, alpine meadows, subgoltsy woodlands, East Sayan
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For semigumid and semigumid-semiarid highlands of East Sayan we first characterized: one alliance, four associations, two subassociation, two variants relating to the class of ecological-fl oristic classification. At the upper boundary of the forest is dominated by larch woodlands (ass. Carici iljinii - Laricetum sibiricae ass. nova hoc loco). Association presented two variants: Hansenia mongholica and Empetrum nigrum. Variant Hansenia mon gholica distinguished by good drainage conditions of habitats. Flat bottoms mountain hollows subgoltsy altitudinal belt and the upper part of the forest belt of alpine meadows occupied by swamped alpine meadows (асс. Cardamino pratensis - Caricetum stenocarpae ass. nova hoc loco). Yernik tundras (ass. Cladonio stellaris - Betu letum rotundifoliae ass. nov. prov.) are characteristic of subgoltsy altitudinal belt. Lichen tundras (асс. Carici ledebourianae-Cladonietum stellaris ass. nova hoc loco) typical for goltsy and subgoltsy altitudinal belts. Th ey are represented by two subassociations nova hoc loco: typicum and empetretosum nigri . Habitat subassociation typicum wetter. We propose a new alliance Cardamino pratensis - Caricion stenocarpae all. nov. prov., which attributed to the order Violo altaicae - Festucetalia krylovianae and class Juncetea trifi di . Alliance characterizes swampy alpine meadows and meadow-tundras Altai-Sayan mountain region.
B.A. Adilov, T. Rakhimova, N.K. Rakhimova, A.M. Khalilov
Institute of Gene Pool of Plants and Animals, AS RUz, 100053, Tashkent, Bagishamol str., 232 bekhzod_a@mail.ru
Keywords: Artemisia, пастбища, сезонная урожайность, сырой протеин, сырая клетчатка, допустимые нагрузки, фактические нагрузки, Кукчатау, Центральный Кызылкум, Artemisia, pasture, seasonal yield, raw protein, raw cellulose, save load, real load, Kukchatau, Central Kyzylkum
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The results of yield and nutritional value seasonal changes of the main Artemisia L . forage species in Central Kyzylkum’s pastures have been presented. Four pasture variety involving three Artemisia species - A. diffusa Krasch. ex Polyakov, A. turanica Krasch. and A. juncea Kar. et Kir under different soil conditions has been identifi ed. The maximum yield of Artemisia defined in ephemereta-artemisieta-calligonumeta pasture variety in sandy soils. The texture of stone-gravelly soil is prevents the trends of formation Artemisia’s phytomass. Biochemical composition of Artemisia species is rich in raw protein and its amount decreases from spring to autumn. The indicators exceeding from save load, leading to overgrazing Artemisia pastures has been established.
E.Yu. Zykova
Central Siberian Botanical Garden, SB RAS, 630090, Novosibirsk, Zolotodolinskaya str., 101 elena.yu.zykova@gmail.com
Keywords: адвентивные виды, инвазивные растения, флора, Республика Алтай, adventive species, invasive plants, flora, Altai Republic
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For the first time synopsis of 230 alien species of the Altai Republic has been completed, 25 of them are invasive ones. Ecological features, distribution by administrative regions, ways of occurrence and degree of naturalization in the Altai Republic are revealed for every species.
N.K. Kovtonyuk
Central Siberian Botanical Garden, SB RAS, 630090, Novosibirsk, Zolotodolinskaya str., 101 nkovtonyuk@csbg.nsc.ru
Keywords: биоразнообразие, виртуальные гербарные коллекции, Гербарий им. М.Г. Попова (NSK), biodiversity, virtual herbarium collection, M.G. Popov Herbarium (NSK)
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Virtual collection of the type specimens of M.G. Popov Herbarium (NSK) is scanned (digitized) using HerbScan system with resolution at 600 dpi. Information about type specimens NSK placed in two international databases: the database of the University of Vienna ”Virtual Herbaria” and in the database on the portal Jstor.
N.A. Kolyada
Federal State-Funded Institution of Science V.L. Komarov “Mountain-Taiga Station, FEB RAS”, 692533, Gornotaezhnoye Settlement, Ussury district, Primorye Territory, Solnechnaya str., 26 Kolyada18@rambler.ru
Keywords: Ericaceae, род Rhododendron, листопадные и вечнозеленые кустарники, зимостойкость, ритм сезонного развития, Ericaceae, genus Rhododendron, broad-leaved and evergreen shrubs, hardiness, rhythm of seasonal de velopment
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Investigations of some morphological (life form, height) and biological (rhythm of seasonal development, hardiness) peculiarities of rhododendrons in the Arboretum of Mountain-Taiga Station had shown that most of investigated plants found here favourable conditions for growth and development. Most species blow and fruit annually, give germinating seeds. Analysis of introduced species of rhododendrons had shown that climatic conditions of the Arboretum are favourable for many species of the genus.
E.M. Lyakh
Central Siberian Botanical Garden, SB RAS, 630090, Novosibirsk, Zolotodolinskaya str., 101 syringa_l@rambler.ru
Keywords: Syringa vulgaris, сирень обыкновенная, сохранение in vitro, выделение ДНК, идентификация, Syringa vulgaris, common lilac, in vitro conservation, DNA extraction, identifi cation
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Technology of propagation in vitro of Syringa vulgaris L. cultivars from the CSBG collection was developed as a result of collaboration researches between CSBG SB RAS and scientists from the research laboratory of tissue culture of Longwood Gardens (Pennsylvania, USA) and Research Institute of Agricultural Production of Finland (MTT Agrifood Research Laukaa, Finland). Technology of extraction of DNA from fresh leaves for analysis PCR for identifi cation of common lilac cultivars was partially improved as a result of collaboration researches with Helsinki University (Finland).