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Flora and Vegetation of Asian Russia

2017 year, number 3


A.A. Naumenko-Svetlova
Komarov Botanical Institute Russian Academy of Sciences, 197376, St. Petersburg, Professor Popov str., 2
Keywords: Linum, таксономия, география, Сибирь, Linum, taxonomy, geography, Siberia


New data about some genus Linum L. species in flora of Siberia are presents. In Siberia, there are 10 species of this genus, belonging to the 2 subgenera ( Linum and Cathartolinum (Rchb.) Svetlova) and 3 sections ( Stellerolinum Juz. ex Prob., Linum and Adenolinum (Rchb.) Juz.). Th e section Adenolinum comprises 7 species ( L. perenne L., 2 subspecies L. komarovii Juz., L. altaicum Ledeb. ex Juz., L. amurense Alef., L. baicalense Juz., L. violascens Bunge and L. pallescens Bunge) classifi ed into 3 subsections ( Longiunguiculata Svetlova, Amurense Svetlova and Breviun guiculata Svetlova). According to its morphological characteristics L. baicalense occupies an intermediate position between subsections Longiunguiculata and Breviunguiculata . There are several interested samples ( L. perenne var. genuinum Krylov, L. perenne var. alpinum (Jacq.) Krylov and L. perenne var. violascens (Bunge) Krylov) in the Krylov Herbarium (Tomsk, TK). It is shown, that these patterns are synonymous with L. perenne , L. altaicum and L. violascens , respectively. The taxonomic significance of some characteristics for Siberian species are discussed. The key for definition of the genus Linum species in flora of Siberia is made. The lectotype of L. stelleroides Planch. are selected. Geographical distribution of species of the genus Linum in the investigated territory is essentially added and corrected.